在介紹舞蹈之前,先介紹希臘的音樂型式。希臘的音樂有下列主要的五種型式,不一一詳細介紹。土風舞的舞曲主要是 「希塔基」 和 「哈塞匹克」。下面示範舞也以他們為主。
希爾托(Syrtos)與卡拉瑪蒂諾士(Kalamatianos) -
希塔基 (Syrtaki) 是希臘民謠中一種型態 ,因為 1960 的二部電影,「痴漢嬌娃」(Never On Sunday) 與「希臘左巴」(Zorba The Greek)而風靡全世界。現今已幾乎成為希臘的代名詞。 「痴漢嬌娃」是1960 Oscar 最佳音樂。節奏輕快、活潑 、亮麗。電影「希臘左巴」,是由希臘諾貝爾文學得主卡札斯基同名之小說改編而成,影星安東尼昆將劇中豪邁的左巴演得微妙為俏,加上優美的主題曲及舞蹈廣受歡迎,所以世人又將希塔基舞蹈稱為「左巴舞」,甚至「希臘左巴」舞台劇目前仍是百老匯叫座的節目之一。
希塔基是由二種希臘民謠類型合併而成,前面音樂節奏較慢,稱為哈塞匹克(Hasapiko),因為此種音樂早期是屠夫們閒暇時在酒吧跳舞的音樂,所以亦稱屠夫樂或屠夫舞,在音樂的後段節奏會變得較快,稱為 哈塞布什米克(Hasaposerviko),由於整體音樂亮麗清脆但有點慵懶的悠間,讓聽者宛如倘佯愛琴海美麗的小島上,享受著蔚藍的天空與海水。較著名的歌如下:
- 痴漢嬌娃 Never On Sunday(Ta Pedia Tou Pirea)
- 大家來跳希塔基 Siko Chorepse Syrtaki
- 希臘左巴 Zorba The Greek
- 迷途的小鳥 Aponi Zoi
- 醬油 Strose To Stroma Sou
Never On Sunday, 1960年 Oscar 最佳音樂。電影中是用希臘語唱的,但是 Oscar 頒獎當天改為英語歌詞。原來的歌名的意思是「Piraeus港口的孩子」。
Oh, you can kiss me on a Monday a Monday a Monday
is very very good
Or you can kiss me on a Tuesday a Tuesday a Tuesday
in fact I wish you would
Or you can kiss me on a Wednesday a Thursday a
Friday and Saturday is best
But never ever on a Sunday a Sunday a Sunday
cause that's my day of rest
Most anyday you can be my guest
Anyday you say but my day of rest
Just name the day that you like the best
Only stay away on my day of rest
Oh, you can kiss me on a cool day a hot day a wet day
which ever one you choose
Or try to kiss me on a grey day a May day a pay day
and see if I refuse
And if you make it on a bleake day a freak day or a week day
Well you can be my guest
But never ever on a Sunday a Sunday the one day
I need a little rest
Oh, you can kiss me on a week day a week day a week day
the day to be my guest
But never never on a Sunday a Sunday a Sunday
cause that's my day of rest
But never never on a Sunday a Sunday a Sunday
cause that's my day of rest
別 在 星 期 天 Never On Sunday
愛琴海采風(希臘) 莆田學院第二屆土風舞展影片前面的講話很長,可以直接跳至 3:48 分的位置開始觀賞「痴漢嬌娃」 Never On Sunday的舞蹈影片。接著是「醬油」。
醬油 (2004 雅典奧運閉幕唱的歌 Athens Olympics in 2004)
Dark is the road of my journey
until I get to meet you
come show yourself halfway to me
my hand to you I'll offer.
Make your bed(mattress) for two
for you and for me
and let us fall in each other's arms
to resurrect it all again.
I hugged you and you hugged me too
you took from me and I took from you
I got lost into your eyes
and in your destiny.
Make your bed(mattress) for two
for you and for me
and let us fall in each other's arms
to resurrect it all again.
大家來跳希塔基 Siko Chorepse Syrtaki
希塔基旋律輕快柔和,讓聽者有如徜徉在愛琴海小島的海邊,與陽光海水共舞。 大家來跳希塔基 ( Siko Chorepse Syrtaki) 是Syrtaki民謠的最佳代表作。
希塔基民謠演奏或演唱時,幾乎以希臘傳統的布柔基 (Bouzouki)演奏,布柔基琴狀似吉他,琴腹似義大利之曼陀鈴如半個西瓜大,因為琴頸較長,聲 音恢弘中有清脆,優美中有悠閒。
其他的參考音樂影片: 下面的舞其實都可以用另一篇文章介紹,在那可以詳細介紹舞步和歌詞。
迷途的小鳥 Aponi Zoi
迷途的小鳥 - 歌 我喜歡這首歌 !
源起於1963年希臘電影"Ta Kokkina Fanaria" (英譯:"The Red Lanterns")
迷途的小鳥 - Movie
迷途的小鳥 - 土風舞
醬油 Strose To Stroma Sou 奧運閉幕歌 好聽 !
Strose To Stroma Sou
Strose To Stroma Sou 這首抒情歌在希臘是非常受歡迎的民謠。深情又浪漫,但我不知為何翻譯為「醬油」。英文翻譯是 "Make your bed for two" OR "Prepare your bed for two of us"
泰山 TARZAN - Folkdance
蜜色羅小姐(Misirlou)- Folkdance
Movie - 希臘左巴 Zorba the Greek
Zorba Dance
Movie - Pote tin Kyriaki(Never on Sunday)
這電影是關於希臘妓女 Ilya 的故事, 她住在 Piraeus 港,若她肯服務你,就一定讓你賓至如歸,有許多風流客水兵聞訊而至。不過她有一個原則,星期天不接客。她喜歡希臘悲劇,在戲劇節期間都去看戲,也會暫停營業。有一天來了一名美國遊客, 是一名哲學家, 他覺得 Ilya 是不一樣的妓女,想要改變她。
Never On Sunday - 希臘語唱法
Never On Sunday - Connie Francis
Never On Sunday - Folkdance Demo
More Greek Folkdances
Sirtaki Dance
Sirtaki - Hasapiko
cybc, to nisi tis afroditis, by mikis theodorakis, 1964 Maybe the best song ever written for Cyprus - composed by Mikis Theodorakis, poetry by Leonidas (Leo) Malenis especially for CyBC's documentary "To Nisi Tis Afroditis" (The Island of Aphrodite), back in 1964. To song is called "Hrisoprasino fillo" (Gold-green leaf) and was first sung by Grigoris Bithikotsis. GOLD-GREEN LEAF Earth of lemon and olive tress, earth of joy, embrace, earth of spruces and cypresses, of young heroes and of love, gold-green leaf, thrown into the sea. Earth of dead pastures, of an embittered Virgin Mary, earth of the incense of loss, of the unjust, of wild weather and volcanoes, gold-green leaf, thrown into the sea. Earth of laughing girls, earth of celebrating boys, earth of ointment of worship, Cyprus of love and dreams, gold-green leaf, thrown into the sea. Translated by Paul O'Mahony