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2010/06/16 15:44:55瀏覽905|回應0|推薦2

DREAD 2009

Red-hot young star Jackson Rathbone, fresh from the smash film TWILIGHT SAGA and the upcoming THE LAST AIRBENDER, stars in the stylish horror/thriller DREAD. Stephen (RATHBONE) and Cheryl (Laura Donnelly, INSATIABLE) are college students making a documentary about what people dread in life. But they have no idea that their partner Quaid (Shaun Evans, BOY A, TELSTAR), witnessed his parents being murdered by an axe-wielding lunatic and wants to make others experience his own personal horror. The three set out to document people revealing their life’s most terrifying moments. But Quaid quickly grows bored with mere interviews and decides to take the study to a much more visceral level, causing all three to become vulnerable as they reveal their fears in front of the camera…




HIDDEN is the story about a young man, Kai Koss (aka KK,) who unwillingly returns to the small town he ran from 19 years ago. His cruel mother has recently died, and left him the house he grew up in. He means to leave as soon as he has made all the necessary arrangements, but with his heritage comes dark and deadly secrets, and KK soon finds himself tangled up in a series of event that seem beyond anyone’s control…


19年後,當Kai Koss回到家鄉繼承他已去世母親的房產時,塵封已久的痛苦回憶頓時被打開......

在 Kai 還小的時候,他就離家出走了,離開了發瘋的母親。一晃二十年過去了,他所痛恨的那個女人已不在人世,而他繼承了母親森林裡的一棟房屋,正是他少時逃離的地方,那裡充滿了殘酷的回憶和不為人知的秘密......

Kill Theory 2009

Are you capable of the unthinkable? That’s the question seven college students face when they visit a secluded vacation home to celebrate graduation and are put to a horrific test by a mysterious killer. By 6 am the following morning, only one of them can remain alive. Whoever that person is will be allowed to walk away with his or her life.

However, if morning comes and more than one is still breathing, everyone dies. Trapped in a deadly game, they’re forced to kill one another in order to survive. Friends and couples must test their trust, and as the clock ticks away: alliances form, tension escalates, and hope begins to fade. Some will fight for love, some to survive, but all will change. Because deep down… we’re all killers.

一群大學生前往一所度假村慶祝畢業,可惜好景不長,一個殘酷的變態狂強迫他們參加他的死亡競賽,規則很簡單他們必須互相殘殺來求生,自此他們的關係開始崩 潰,因為他們中只有一個能夠離開,你能男友可以信任嗎?你的女友能信任嗎?你的朋友能信任嗎?



In Lake Mungo, sixteen-year-old Alice Palmer drowns while swimming in the local dam. When her body is recovered and a verdict of accidental death returned, her grieving family buries her. The family then experiences a series of strange and inexplicable events centered in and around their home. Profoundly unsettled, the Palmers seek the help of psychic and parapsychologist, Ray Kemeny. Ray discovers that Alice led a secret, double life. A series of clues lead the family to Lake Mungo where Alice’s secret past emerges.

一個關於悲傷的超自然故事。如果你從沒看見過鬼魂...那就仔細看看本片 吧。


如果你從來沒有見過一個幽靈 ...但如果仔細推敲

16歲的愛麗絲帕爾默游泳時淹沒在當地水壩附近的鎮亞拉臘。之後她安息,她的家人開始經歷了一系列令人費解的奇怪和事件。她開始神秘地出現在背景的照片和 錄像。深感不安,在帕爾默斯尋求幫助一parapsychologist誰發現,有更多的Alice的生活比首次出現。 A系列的線索,帶領家人湖蒙哥在愛麗絲的秘密過去出現。


In the scenic and remote country of Rocky Branch, Texas, the Workley ranch house would become the infamous scene known internationally on the internet as “The Final.”

Dane, an awkward student with a deadly vendetta and suicidal tendencies, leads a group of outcasts who plot to avenge the years of humiliation they faced by the popular students at Hohn High School. Employing ideas inspired both from their classes as well as from horror films they watched, the outcast turn the tables on the popular students who made sport of them.

After receiving a lake-house granted to him in his uncle’s will, Dane and his friends, Jack, Ravi, Andy and Emily prepare for a single night that will leave their tormentors scarred for life…physically and emotionally.




On their last weekend together, Megan and Abby Graves are lost in a remote part of the Arizona desert where they are lured to Skull City Mine, an abandoned mine town. But they soon learn Skull City is anything but abandoned — and there’s no way out. The sisters are now prey, forced to unleash their most primitive instincts in a desperate, all-out battle for survival against unspeakable horrors — both human and supernatural. Can they unlock the terrifying secrets of Skull City in time to save themselves or will they become the latest in a long line of victims?

梅根·格拉芙和艾比·格拉芙是一對關係十分親密的姐妹,梅根大學剛剛畢業,而艾比也高中畢業了,兩姐妹在一次野外探險時來到了一個廢棄的煤礦,沒想到卻揭 開了一個不為人知的秘密,兩人的生命也遭到了嚴重的威脅……

在亞曆桑那州的梅根及艾比,她們感情如同姊妹般,總是形影不 離。梅根剛拿到市場行銷學位,她很有自信,充滿吸引力,是個喜歡黑腰帶的搖滾女孩。艾比很勉強地才從高中畢業,她是個可愛的女孩,喜歡譏諷別人以及流行的 歌德龐克風,但她卻害怕自己內心的陰影。她們倆有一點雷同:對於漫畫以及流行文化感到癡迷。

幾天之後,梅根將會到紐約開始上班。為了要歡 送她,這對姊妹花開始了一場關於流行文化的狂歡,甚至還到了亞曆桑那州地圖上未曾標明的地方,只為了要尋找特別的景點,她們來到了骷髏市礦場。這是一個曆 經風霜的廢棄小鎮,而今是個背包客會造訪的景點。

這個城市有著可怕的秘密:鬼魂徘徊不去。謀殺的陰影一直出現在周遭,受害者的靈魂,在自 己的眼前被撕裂,而這只是剛開始。當梅根受到了嚴重的傷害後,艾比必須想辦法救回她的姊妹:一個人解開骷髏市的謎。艾比有辦法辦到這件事,並且救回梅根 嗎?或是她們兩個會像其他遊客一樣…

The Reeds 2009

In THE REEDS, a weekend boating trip through the Norfolk Broads becomes a terrifying, deadly ordeal for six 20-something year old friends. Aboard the Corsair Star, a small cruiser rented from Mr. Croker, the local marina operator, the boating party loses its bearings and cuts through the vast reedy tidewater in search of the main channel. After the first casualty by a freak accident, the boat runs aground. Every effort to preserve themselves and find a way out fails, as one by one the friends are terrorized by young punks and killed by a hooded man with a gun. There is no escaping this vast waterway, a place of endless return, presided over by Croker who killed a group of young people decades before and initiated the hellish curse which traps all who take passage on the Corsair Star.


Zombies of Mass Destruction 2009

In ZMD, a conservative island community is under attack! Port Gamble, Washington is being overrun with braineaters, and the people seem powerless to stave them off. A rag tag band of rebels led by Frida (Janette Armand), an Iranian college student suspected of being an Iraqi terrorist, and Tom (Doug Fahl), a gay business man who has returned to town with his partner to come out to his mother, tries to turn the tide and push the invading hoards of undead back.

這次同志電影擴展到了喪屍題材,故事很簡單一個在美國華盛頓的小島生活美好安寧,直到病毒爆發僵屍橫行連帶同志角色也捲入其中,是讓同志一起殺出個黎明還 是消滅同志僵屍答案自己看電影吧
9 . 1 1恐怖襲擊後,在美國西海岸的小村Port Gamble,一具中東的僵屍漂到了岸邊,小島從此籠罩在僵屍們的陰影下。
( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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