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2009/05/17 14:56:56瀏覽454|回應0|推薦2

在我的困境中, 祈禱天主聖神的引領. 帶著已不能開車的王伯伯王媽媽上教堂. 天主就在這樣的過程中給我光明的指引.

今天有21位小朋友初領聖體. 他們經過兩年的努力, 上教理課, 學習如何與主接近.  小男孩穿西裝, 小女孩穿禮服, 真是好美的一群小天使.

彌撒最後, 坐在中間走道第一位, 初領聖體的小朋友起立, 向坐在靠外側的親友團, 以童稚的聲音, 唱出他們的感謝, 與期望. 希望家人朋友, 看著他們, 陪伴他們, 幫助他們每日更接近神.....  我的眼淚又不爭氣湧出, 愛的種子, 慢慢發芽, 成長. 祝福你們, 小朋友們.

神父今天的講道重點更點亮我的光環:  摘錄如下:

Don't Like Them, Love them!

Jesus, in this week's Gospel, pleads with his disciples to love one another as he loves them.

Jesus wants members of his community to sacrifice for each other and the world - even if they aren't friengds and have trouble getting along. 

That means listening to others' opinions, putting their needs ahead of yours, putting disagreements or personality clashes aside, and focusing on our common tie - the mission to make the world a better place, especially for poor people. 

That can be tough.  You might have to do service with people who share none of our interests. 

That's why Jesus tells us to ask God for whatever we need. 

God's power can help us love people that we have trouble liking or with whom we have conflicts.  The Holy Spirit can show us where we are connected, despite our differences, and how we can work together for God's kingkom. 

So this week consider who you are called to love, even though you don't yet like them!

感謝天主聖神引導,  神父提醒.  知道自己又被注入源泉不斷愛的力量.  讚美, 感謝!


( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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