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Red, white and not so blue! 短論世界棒球經典賽 美日之賽的誤判 及其他
2006/03/21 01:57:09瀏覽579|回應1|推薦7

一直認為 聯網上的人大多 對運動沒興趣

因此 雖然我一向不欣賞過度的"愛國主義" 與"篇激的球評" 但還沒想到在這發表這類的題目

既然 還有人有興趣討論 我就把幾段對話 稍微編輯一番 與大家分享:

dp 問到: (回應我的: 如果運動可以教你人生的道理..... 找尋一輩子的愛 )



(一篇沒發表的原文 Red, white and ????? )
It looked as though Japan broke a 3-3 tie against Joe Nathan in the
eighth when Akinori Iwamura flied to left with one out and the bases
loaded. Tsuyoshi Nishioka beat Randy Winn's throw home, and second
base umpire Brian Knight ruled safe when Team USA appealed the
play. But plate umpire Bob Davidson overruled the call following a
brief discussion with the other umpires.

"The wrong umpire made the initial call," Davidson said in a
statement issued afterward. "That's the plate umpire's call. I had it lined
up. It's my call, and I had him leaving early and called him out."
-------End of 新聞稿

That's not fair. It was the worst that could have happened in the World
Baseball Classics. The blues(how umpires are commonly called on
the field) used in the tournament are not the regular MLB umpires, and most of them did not start to work with the others until this tournament.


曾經玩過許多運動的我 若以運動員的角度 這可以分一 兩天來討論

對非運動員的一般人 我認為有三點:

一: 裁判沒有絕對公平的 每一個國家都有一些愛國裁判 (這球判的太誇張了!)

二: 沒有一定贏的球賽 要贏一場球 連誤判也必須要考慮在內的 我的舊文: Safe at first: THE critical call in the Game 2 of ALCS, MLB playoff 有深入談這種問題

三: 日本選手太不小心了 以那一球 他多等半秒 還是可以安全得分的 那種跑壘 屬於不需要的冒險

小小豆 回道:





每個球評 對那球 一定有不同的看法

我只是以球員的角度 與 我多年由教練那聽來的 說明

盜壘與高飛犧牲打的判斷 十分不同

盜壘的起跑與否 完全是跑者的個人判斷 盜壘是跑者與投捕 一壘二壘 游擊手的鬥智

高飛犧牲打的起跑與否 是跑壘教練的決定 跑者只等一聲令下 就管往前衝

那球 的確太接近了 我們看的影片 再如何 也是人剪接的 沒人說的準的

Randy Winn 是有名的 weak arm 配上 Tsuyoshi Nishioka(西岡剛)的腳程 大家都很驚訝 會發生那種情形

就我回的全文 愛國裁判 誤判 球賽的勝負 球員的決定 都該是考慮的原因

美國的弄巧成拙 將自己排在與日 韓 一組 其實進級的困難度更高 錦標賽 球員彼此的熟悉度勝過球員的素質

切計: "誤判 永遠會是球賽的一部分"

希望台灣球員 球迷經由經典賽能學到的是棒球智慧 不只是 檢討輸贏的"專家" 打擊 投球 守備 都要加強 但是 一個國家的平均棒球智慧 不足 國家隊是永遠不會進步的

看看此篇文章的主角 Berra 以此高齡 仍舊如此愛好球賽 熱心參與球團運作 再看看古巴的救援投手 Lazo 的表現 我們台灣人 要與其他國家怎麼競爭下去 值得大家深思的

之前的中英對談中 也觸及類似的問題:

M says:
G says:
yes, but it is a old old injury, remember I told you that I hope I have known you earlier to ask your uncle's help
M says:
G says:
i have about 40 injured spots,
G says:
the price of being an athlete
M says:
G says:
no, athlete is beyond that level
G says:
athletes trained themselves to reach the limit, not for health.
G says:
on the other hand, hurting the body but getting a healthier spirit is even more valuable, don't you agree?
G says:
don't be fooled by conventional value system
G says:
management's first step "break all the rules"
G says:
remember in my poem, "my heart surrenders..." at this stage of our lives, no more conventional wisdom is definitive.

M says:
G says:
very differently
M says:
M says:
G says:
Taiwan's coaches tried to force the athletes to do somethings beyond their nature
M says:
G says:
so, people got abused, remember I left the message in his blog? don't just try to score.
G says:
in soccer, if you try to score, then you lose the fun of playing, soccer especially
M says:
G says:
the stars are not only those "stars" we see, we report, but the whole team.
G says:
the only true baseball stars taiwane ever had were Kuo Lee Chien-Fu., Kuo Tai-Yuan and Wang Cheng-Ming
G says:
Only three among all those great talents we had in the past 60 years of baseball history.
M says:
M says:
G says:
that's true
G says:
when you train an athlete, you need to train both physically and mentally
G says:
remember my comment, the gamesmanship
G says:
it is also an important part of the game, use the brains, not just the body
M says:
M says:
G says:
M says:

G says:
I am not physical education major, right?
M says:
G says:
no, you have to be good at whatever you are doing, than passion and idea/dreams
M says:
G says:
I believe you have to be good at one or two things, very very good at
G says:
even music appreciation can be one
G says:
but, don't worry about the ranking
G says:
I wrote, if you play to win, you lose, but you have to play your best, every time
M says:
G says:
Taiwanese people set so many different rules to limit ourselves
G says:
you have to respect every moment you spend on anything
M says:
G says:
when you sit down, you have to think about what is the best pose for your body, and spirit,
M says:
G says:
simple enough?
G says:
maybe just copy our conversation?
G says:

M says:


運動 培養運動家的修養是最重要的一部份 經典賽 讓我想到的東西太多 也許改天寫寫我的運動觀吧!

我的原文 選擇貝拉(Yogi Berra)的故事 也該提一下他的名言: "比賽不到最後一出局不算是結束"

人生也是如此的 國家發展更是如此的!

( 興趣嗜好運動 )
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2006/03/25 07:04

人生也是如此的 國家發展更是如此的!
