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2008/02/05 07:10:07瀏覽261|回應1|推薦4 | |
Thank you, my heart : you don't dawdle, you keep going with no flattery or reward, just from inborn diligence. You get serventy credit s a minute. Each of your systoles shoves a little boat to open sea to sail around the world. Thank you, my heart : time after time you pluck me, separate even in sleep, out of the whole. You make sure I don't dream my dreams up to that final flight, no wings required. Thank you, my heart : I woke up again and even though it's Sunday, the day of rest, the usual preholiday rush continues underneath my ribs. 感謝你,我的心: 你不怠惰;你持續往前 沒有讚賞或酬勞, 只是 與生俱來的勤奮。 你的記錄是每分鐘七十次。 每一次的收縮 推擠著 一葉舟 開啟 一片汪洋 航向 整個世界。 感謝你,我的心: 一次又一次 你將我從睡夢中喚醒 離開那無盡的深淵。 你確定我並沒有夢著我自己的夢 直至那最後的飛行 無需翅膀。 感謝你,我的心: 我又再次甦醒 即使今天是星期天, — 休息的日子。 匆匆而過的例假日 在我的胸骨下持續前進。 ~W.Szymborska |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |