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2009/05/17 09:21:37瀏覽479|回應1|推薦12


引用文章我的幸福感38 想像力的魔力

引用文章Imagination times vividness equals reality42

引用文章格雷娜的夢想小劄 Glenna's Goal Book

Imagination is the highest kite one can fly

Imagination is the longest river one can swim

Imagination is the happiest thing one can exercise his/her brain

Imagination is the strongest power one can use to cast away from the cruel reality

Imagination is the tenderest grace one can make his/her mind free from the limitations and make possibilities become limitless.

Imagination is the most marvelous ability one can embrace the the entire world

Imagination is the coolest time machine which can bring me everywhere anytime.

Imagination is the daring desire for asking the toughest or the most creative questions to challenge knowledge.

Imagination times vividness equals reality. What we dare to imagine and believe in will become the reality.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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A 10-min exercise
2009/05/18 16:21
Just take 10-minute off your busiest time to imagine  .... everyday
It can really do a body good ...

Happiness(s222460428) 於 2009-05-18 21:28 回覆:

haha, ten- minute is not enough for me. Hahah, I am so greedy that maybe 100-minute sounds better.

Thanks for your colorful feedback.