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2010/03/16 11:27:26瀏覽1350|回應4|推薦38 | |
十多年前,參加一個Theme Park設計時, 有機會和幾位來自狄斯耐樂園和環球影城的老建築師一起工作。 讓我有機會見到他們的心和筆, 創造,實現夢想的心路和實務過程。 再去狄斯耐時,所見到的不再僅是米老鼠和白雪公主。 我看到當年的華德.狄斯耐的<夢>和 背後許多有<夢>的心, 逐夢者的 勇氣和執着. .................... 有機會過安那罕附近, 除了會去狄斯耐Downtown繞一圈, 也會去水晶教堂(Crystal Cathedral) 走走. 雖然來過幾次, 不同的時間不同的光線, 讓我欣賞三位建築大師(Philip Johnson, Richard Mier, Richard J.Neutura) 作品 有不同的領受和感動. 我在理查.梅爾的建築Welcome Center大廳中, 看到刻在這棟經典白派建築中的一句話: If You Can Dream it, You Can Do it…..” 若是你能夢想它,你就有可能成就它. ~華德狄斯耐 ................... 【水晶敖堂剪影】 Peace Be Still /Richard Mier /Welcome Center
(Philip Johnson Crystal Catheral 主堂) …………………………. 五十年代,水晶大教堂有老舒樂牧師(Rev.Robert H. Schuller)的夢想, 執着, 他有魄カ用三位不同年代的著名建築師, 為這一片土地寫上美麗的註解.
我走在這片寬廣Campus中, 好像一座美麗的花園, 也像一座現代建築博物舘, .............. 走過 歲月斑斑的 昨日 問自己 明天 你,可還有 <夢> ? 遠望城市 响起一首老歌
The Impossible Dream
To dream the impossible dream To fight the unbeatable foe To bear with unbearable sorrow To run where the brave dare not go To right the unrightable wrong To love pure and chaste from afar To try when your arms are too weary To reach the unreachable star This is my quest To follow that star No matter how hopeless No matter how far To fight for the right Without question or pause To be willing to march into Hell For a heavenly cause And I know if I'll only be true To this glorious quest That my heart will lie peaceful and calm When I'm laid to my rest And the world will be better for this That one man, scorned and covered with scars Still strove with his last ounce of courage To reach the unreachable star
"The Impossible Dream (The Quest)" is a popular song composed by Mitch Leigh, with lyrics written by Joe Darion. It was written for the 1965 musical Man of La Mancha. “
Trip to Crystal Cathedral |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |