Ten years ago, on a cold dark night Someone was killed, 'neath the town hall light There were few at the scene, but they all agreed That the slayer who ran, looked a lot like me
The judge said, son, what is your alibi If you were somewhere else, then you won't have to die I spoke not a word, thou it meant my life For I'd been in the arms of my best friend's wife
Chorus She walks these hills in a long black veil She visits my grave when the night winds wail Nobody knows, nobody sees Nobody knows but me
Oh, the scaffold is high and eternity's near She stood in the crowd and shed not a tear But sometimes at night, when the cold wind moans In a long black veil, she cries ov're my bones
Repeat Chorus
. 這首「黑紗」The Long Black Veil ,最早在1959年由 Lefty Frizzell 演唱。我在youtube上面找不到這個老版本與大家分享。其實真正把這首歌唱紅的,是後來 Johnny Cash 在1964年發行的專輯。他的鄉村風格用來唱這首歌,我不能做嚴厲的批評,但是以個人口味來說,覺得並不適合。或許是因為已經聽過 The Chieftains 的版本,早就認定那樣緩慢淒美的唱法才合乎歌詞要表達的無奈與哀傷,因此對 Johnny Cash 版那種輕快的曲調始終無法聽進心裡去。這首歌因為長久以來翻唱過的人有許多,各有各的詮釋,因此歌詞的細節並不太一樣。歌詞以第一人稱觀點敘述,內容描寫的時空背景,我們可以將他想像為十九世紀的美國大西部。民風尚稱保守,而犯罪的審判僅憑目擊者的指證。一命償一命,死刑犯是以絞刑就法。我每每想到一個架在廣場空地上的吊索,就不寒而慄。