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Doctor Shopping
2008/07/24 05:58:47瀏覽751|回應1|推薦3

I have been giving careful thoughts about who my next internal medicine doctor will be since I basically stormed out of Dr. Bragman's office last time in June. But I never realize that looking for a doctor who is good in his/ her practice, whose office is well managed, and most importantly the doctor who you feel comfortable to talk to and build trust with, is REALLY hard to find.

I started my doctor shopping from my unit within the hospital I am working.

Female doctors are my first choice this time around. I usually relate better to them at work. They are easier to talk to, more willing to listen to the problems, less judgmental, or egoistic or interruptive. THAT'S RIGHT. In another word, they are more accessible and do NOT think they are gods. Or at least they do NOT act like one.

So there goes Dr. Okka, who is a prick that happens to be a doctor. Also Dr. Alam, who is too busy taking new patients than taking care of the old ones. Also ALL of the cardiologists, who basically think they are gods, regardless. I was told that Gibson, Lamb or Markowitz are good. But heck they are MALES.

Dr. Robertson was on my mind. She was a nurse before she becomes a doctor. She is an immigrant herself (Jamaica, man!) She is young and sometimes fun and almost a perfect choice for me...until recently.  Owing to booming business in her office, she no longers has anything to say except that how bad the system works in this hospital. She does not smile, does not have eye contact to you, does not greet you back and does not carry a polite phone conversation without being harsh or hurried. Obviously she is OVERWORKED and thus has become a bitch. *sigh*

How about Dr. Bogdan? Nahh, I had bad experience working with her husband Dr. Mariescu, who thinks very little of women. (YES, he forgets that he is from a woman's crotch too.) Dr. Bober? Her office is too far away from where I live. Dr. Yuzon? Where is she practicing now? or ...man, I am so tired from doctor shopping now.

Maybe I should start considering doctors from other hospital. After all I should not shit where I eat, right?

p.s. A little update: Just the day after I posted this article...Dr. Robertson and Fran, our unit's case manager, had a cat fight in front of everyone on the unit. *Meow! Meow!* It started that Fran would want Dr. Robertson to work a little harder on one of her patients, who has been in the hospital for 33 days. (Dr. Robertson, this is NOT a nursing home or shelter.) Dr. Robertson said, " I ABSOLUTELY will not do it. YOU IDIOT...STUPID..." Can you imagine what kind of doctor would do such an unprofessional act that involves name calling? Dr. Robertson has officially become a psycho bitch.

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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2008/07/30 05:27

I suppose you are pretty sure your colleagues will not be reading your blog (I assume that you are using thier real names)... 哈哈!

purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2008-07-30 22:57 回覆:

in a chinese website? nah, maybe next life around for ALL of them. he he.