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2010/02/09 20:53:15瀏覽17208|回應0|推薦2 | |
過幾天就要過年了,每年放完年假,就是 job-hopping(跳槽)的季節,雖說現代人換工作是常態,不過若一年換24個頭家,到頭來可能連一點salary(薪水)也領不到,更遑論 seniority(年資)、annul leave(年休)、year-end party(尾牙)、year-end bonuses(年終獎金)這些東西了。英文有句諺語可以和此相呼應:A rolling stone gathers no moss.。這句諺語直譯是「一顆滾動的石頭無法聚集苔蘚」,通常用來形容一個人「居無定所,沒有什麼責任,自由自在」,或者「常換工作,因此無法累積經驗與人脈」。在以往那個鼓勵大家安居樂業、落地生根的年代,這句諺語帶有負面意思,不過現在時代轉變,這句諺語也可用在形容一個人很喜歡轉換環境,不見得有負面的意思喔! A: A little birdie told me that Denny has switched to another job again, and that this time he also moved his house? B: Yep. He claims that A: So he moved back to his hometown down South? B: When you think about it, he has already switched jobs at least ten times and moved to five different locations over the past few years! A: How is he supposed to accumulate work experience and develop personal network that way? B: That’s why people say that a rolling stone gathers no moss. A: 聽說阿丹又換工作啦,而且連住的地方也換了? B: 嗯,他說什麼台北不是他的家,他的家鄉沒有霓虹燈。 A: 所以他搬回南部老家了? B: 算一算,他這幾年至少換了十個工作、搬過五次家了吧! A: 他這樣怎麼累積工作經驗和發展人脈啊? B: 所以說,滾石不生苔嘛。 單字 1. claim (v.) 宣稱 2. hometown (n.) 家鄉 3. brim (v.) 充滿;滿溢 4. sinfulness (n.) 罪惡 5. location (n.) 地點 6. accumulate (v.) 累積 7. develop (v.) 發展 8. rolling (adj.) 滾動的 9. moss (n.) 苔 片語 1. switch to… 轉換為… 例She studied political science and then switched to international trade.(她原本唸政治,後來轉唸國際貿易。) 2. at least 至少 例He owns at least ten apartments in downtown Taipei.(他在台北市中心擁有至少十間公寓。) 3. be supposed to… 應該…;可以… 例You are supposed to clean your room before the guests arrive.(客人到達之前,你應該清理你的房間。)
本文出自我的書《東西諺語瘋Taiwan》(聯經出版社),資訊如下: http://www.linkingbooks.com.tw/pro/180079.asp
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