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2010/01/19 15:23:00瀏覽55247|回應1|推薦2 | |
前幾天發生在海地的大地震造成當地嚴重的傷亡,以及許多無家可歸的難民。說起來海地除了天災,多年來還遭受許多「人禍」,不僅政局動盪不安,在多到數不清的政權轉移下,也讓海地在聯合國開發計劃署的人類發展指數評價上敬陪末座,名列全世界177個國家中的153位。所幸這次地震讓許多國家伸出援手,不少國家也決定一筆勾消海地多年來欠下的外債,讓人從這場不幸的災難中看到一絲曙光。所謂 every cloud has a silver lining,或許就是這個道理。 這句諺語直譯是「每個烏雲都鑲了銀邊」,其中 cloud 和silver lining 都是比喻用法:cloud 象徵苦難或不好的情況,silver lining 則是烏雲背後隱藏的太陽透過烏雲露出鑲了銀邊的景象,象徵光明或事物好的一面。這句話指凡事不用太過悲觀,黑暗的背後可能就是光明;遇到挫折時也不要絕望,因為總有撥雲見日、苦盡甘來的一天。除此之外,every cloud has a silver lining 有時也指「看起來不好的事未必都是壞事」,亦即「塞翁失馬,焉知非福」。 A: What am I going to do? Jean left me three months ago, but I still cannot get her out of my mind. B: Hang in there, Allan. You’ll make it through this. A: What’s even worse is that my dad had another stroke recently, and I have to take care of him at the hospital every day. B: Take care of your father but don’t overexert yourself. A: I’m scared that my company will get rid of me because of my too-frequent leaves… I feel like God has forsaken me. B: Don’t say that. Every cloud has a silver lining. There is an opportunity waiting behind every misfortune. A: 我該怎麼辦?阿金已經離開我三個月了,可是我還是忘不了她。 B: 加油,阿倫,你一定可以撐過去的。 A: 最慘的是我爸最近又中風了,我現在每天都要去醫院照顧他。 B: 你可別為了照顧父親而累倒了。 A: 我真怕公司會因為我常請假而解雇我… 我想老天爺一定遺棄了我。 B: 別這麼說。撥雲見日,所有的不幸一定會有轉機的。 單字 1. stroke (n.) 中風 2. overexert (v.) 使過份操勞 3. scare (v.) 恐懼 4. leave (n.) 休假 5. forsake (v.) 遺棄 6. lining (n.)(襯)邊 7. opportunity (n.) 機會 8. misfortune (n.) 不幸 片語 1. hang in there 堅持到底;挺下去 例All relationships go through rough times. You just have to hang in there.(所有的感情關係都會經歷艱難的時刻。你只要堅持下去就好了。) 2. make it through 撐過去 例I’m not sure if he can make it through this time.(我不知道他這次撐不撐得過去。) 3. take care of… 照顧… 例Other than working three jobs, she has to take care of her sick husband.(除了做三份工作,她還得照顧她生病的先生。) 4. get rid of 擺脫;除掉 例I haven’t been able to get rid of this cold that I’ve had the last few weeks.(在過去的幾個禮拜我都不能擺脫這感冒。) 此諺語收錄在我的書《東西諺語瘋Taiwan》(聯經出版社): http://www.linkingbooks.com.tw/pro/180079.asp **此為黃玟君老師之創作,若要引用或轉載,請註明作者及出處,謝謝!**
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