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2012/09/05 23:03:25瀏覽2366|回應0|推薦11 | |
2012/07/25 上完3818m的高山後我離開了Zermatt這個天堂,車上對面做了一對瑞士父子,孩子很可愛一直跟父親在鬧,打來打去的,不小心踢到我行李還會很靦腆的看著我笑。 我想我會很懷念Zermatt,但接著還有好多冒險等著我呢!所以接著我先路過了Interlaken(因特拉根)再來到了Meiringen(梅林根)。 Meiringen只是一個小鎮,但是這裡可是福爾摩斯迷的朝聖地噢!這裡是《The Adventure of the Final Problem》(最後一案)的背景,Holmes就是在這裡的Reichenbachfall(萊辛巴赫瀑布)和Professor J. Moriarty(莫里亞蒂教授)一起墜崖的,沒看過小說的電影也有演出這個情節噢,只是電影不是真的在這裡取景的。 出了火車站順著指標走一小段路就會看到這個小小的不太起眼的房子,其實他是這裡的福爾摩斯博物館,好興奮噢!還沒有機會去倫敦,至少也要先來這兒朝聖一下。 入口處會售票,票很可愛小小一張,另外都還會附導覽耳機,而且頗多語言可以選的但是沒有中文,而且這樣小小一支很輕便耶,是用前端紅外線感應的,比起許多博物館那種大大的導覽機方便許多。 但是一走進地下室有一點失望啦...因為真的很小,站在原地轉一圈就看完了...這裡收藏的事一些書、郵票、衣服、畫等東西,但是主要還是環繞著這個小鎮的故事為主。 最裡面則布置了福爾摩斯的家,只是隔著玻璃看的也不是很清楚,不過很具有英式風味的感覺。 這裡最妙的是還在玻璃上貼了福爾摩斯著名的射擊彈孔─VR,而且他還刻意貼成反過來的噢,因為應該是從裡面那張椅子射出,從房裡看才是VR,只能說這博物館雖小但是還頗講究的。 房間布置也很豐富,有書有報紙,當然也少不了福爾摩斯的菸斗囉。 但是博物館真的很小一下子就看完了,房子外的廣場上有著大型西洋棋盤,不知道華生和福爾摩斯會不會在這下棋呢? 當然這裡少不了福爾摩斯的銅像啦!那個帽子、披風和煙斗!噢天那我真的好想去倫敦! 而公園外設置一條小路,沿路放了10個板子,是福爾摩斯和華生來到Meiringen的故事。 It is 1891. After many months of gathering evidence, the great detective Sherlock Holmes is closing his net around criminal mastermind Professor James Moriarty, the Napoleon of Crime. Physical attacks and threats are made on Holmes who decides to leave London with his friend Dr. John Watson. Holmes and Watson travel by train from London's Victoria station to Newhaven and take a steamer to France. Continuing by train they reach Geneva. In Switzerland they spend a charming week wandering up the Valley of the Rhone, then progress toward Meiringen via the Gemmi Pass and Interlaken. Holmes believes that they are being shadowed by Moriarty's men. On their crossing of the Gemmi Pass, as they walk along the path beside the Daubensee, they escape a large rock that mysteriously crashes down. Holmes and Watson arrive in Meiringen on 3 May 1891 and take rooms at the "Englischer Hof" (today known as the Park Hotel du Sauvage). The next day, at the suggestion of hotel keeper, they decide to take a detour to the famous Reichenbach Falls on their way to Rosenlaui. On 4 May 1891 Holmes and Watson climb the path to the Reichenbach Falls. As they near the falls a small boy runs up with a letter asking Dr. Watson to return to Meiringen to attend a sick English lady who has just arrived. As the good doctor hurries away he turns and sees Holmes for the last time. On his return to Meiringen, Watson is shocked to discover there is no sick English lady; he has been tricked. He hurries back to the Reichenbach Falls but finds only Holmes' cigarette case, alpenstock, and a farewell note written by Holmes. Neither Holmes nor Moriarty are to be found. It is deduced that Holmes and Moriarty fought at the edge of the Reichenbach Falls and fell to their deaths locked in each other;s arms. Watson records, "Deep down in that dreadful cauldron of swirling water and seething foam, will lie for all time the most dangerous criminal and the foremost champion of the law of their generation." Three years later, in 1894, in London, and old bookseller reveals himself to be Sherlock Holmes; Watson faints in surprise. Holmes explains that only Moriarty fell to his death in the struggle at the Reichenbach Falls. Since then, Holmes has trvelled in Tibet and Arabia, studied in France, and waited for the right opportunity to return home. The old friends resume their adventures from 221B Baker Street. After solving many more cases Sherlock Holmes gives up his practice as Consulting Detective and retires to keep bees in Sussex, England. He mostly concentrates on the problems furnished by nature, as he had once said he would do when he and Watson were in the Swiss mountains. The methods of detection used by Sherlock Holmes are now standard procedures in police detective work all over the world. In homage to the great detective, the police in the UK use a major incident computer system called HOLMES (Home Office Large Major Enquiry System). The wordwide enthusiasm for the freat detective and his friend Dr. Watson continues to grow - in books, plays , films and in television, Sherlock Holmes is more popular than ever.
Conan Doyle真的很厲害,把一個不存在的角色寫得栩栩如生,讓許多人認為福爾摩斯是真的存在過的人,這裡還有個旅館就是傳說當年福爾摩斯和華生在這裡住的旅館,另外則有另一間旅館的地址寫著Baker St. 221B,不過不是真的地址啦只是噱頭罷了,真希望有一天能真的去到倫敦的Baker St. 221B! 接著在走一小段路來到Reichenbachfall的纜車站,火紅色的車身很搶眼,軌道坡度很大,往下看真是有點驚悚! 來到了瀑布,心裡想像的是電影裡頭的壯觀場景,所以看到時難免有些小失望,上面這張照片左邊有個白點點,那就是標記著福爾摩斯墜崖的地方,不過他到底是怎麼過去的...而且照這水量看來跌下去是直接撞山壁而死了吧! 旁邊還有這個人形立牌,不過我們還是來欣賞瀑布就好了... 車站旁邊有個小房子,裡面有一些照片,是人們cosplay來這裡拍的,另外還有小影片呢!不過墜崖的那段是用人偶丟下去的,看起來有點虛... 話說Conan Doyle因為想停筆所以把自己筆下的福爾摩斯寫死了,不過造成眾人反彈,甚至連親人也反彈,迫不得已他只好在發表了《The Adventure of the Empty House》(空屋)讓福爾摩斯復活,而這篇後來則和其他12篇收錄在《The Return of Sherlock Holmes》(福爾摩斯歸來記)內。 雖然這個鎮小,不過能來看看福爾摩斯待過的地方也真的很有趣,聽聽故事看看瀑布,目標是以後要去真正的福爾摩斯的家:) 接著就回到Interlaken,今晚住在這裡,不過回去時間已經不早了就沒在市區晃晃,直接回到青年旅館。 旅館門口有著一隻大狗守著,這裡還不錯,有游泳池和許多大型桌遊,很適合一群學生一起來,不過相對著我一個人來就覺得有點吵鬧了。 青年旅館附近有著這麼一個雕像,他是William Tell(威廉泰爾),之前我對這個名字沒什麼印象,但是聽到他的故事就有記憶了,他就是用箭射下兒子頭上蘋果的大英雄呢!在瑞士是個傳奇人物,之後的旅程也有一段是跟他有關呢! information Funny Farm 10 Bed Mixed Dorm Ensuite CHF 20 CH 3800 Interlaken +41 33 8 281 281 Sherlock Holmes Museum CHF 4 Reichenbachfall CHF 10 Luggage Storage at Meiringen CHF 4 |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |