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2006/05/22 12:39:45瀏覽1004|回應1|推薦16 | |
一個接一個的密碼讓讀小說的閒人覺得好玩,兩個半鐘頭的電影老是被想密碼說密碼停下來,讓看慣快節奏剪接的現代電影人不耐煩,這是主流影評詬病【達文西密碼】的重點。 這些英文字謎遊戲(anagrams)製成的密碼,想翻譯成有意思的中文實在有夠吃力不討好! A word or phrase formed by reordering the letters of another word or phrase, such as satin to stain. 换音造词法,回文构词法:变换字母顺序以形成另一词,如Satin 变为 Stain anagrams (used with a sing. verb)Games A game whose object is to form words from a group of randomly picked letters. anagrams (与单数动词连用)【游戏】 字谜游戏:用随意选出的一组字母组成单词的游戏 神依樣話葫蘆搞一套密碼(答穩死)給各位猜猜: 余姓陳,名漸糟。 跌馬格格是阮爸。 EUGOGAMED (答案: 陳幸妤,趙建銘。格格我爸是會拉下駙馬的Demagogue) 玩這個遊戲是為了考美國老師執照(CBEST),基本字彙中幾個同一頁瞪了一下午都記不住的單字: The denizens (居民) of Taiwan, deriding (取笑) their President as demagogue (煽動領袖), will soon be sued for making defamatory (破壞名譽) statements. Though anagrams above digressed (離題) from the topic, it might diffuse(瀰漫) throughout the Internet, and declaim(慷慨陳辭) my blog's view!
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