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2010/06/15 11:14:29瀏覽966|回應2|推薦16 | |
7/9 煞風景 在娜帕酒鄉讀《憤怒的葡萄》 6/30 歷史共業 很好用的詞。如果有人批評你做事因循陋習,你可回說“這是本公司的歷史共業”,馬上就將咬人的惡狗扔進深不可測的醬缸裡(請參考老山雞看天下)。聰明的網友自能舉一反三,我就不廢話了。 6/26 聖荷西印象 1)地價太貴,馬路太寬 2)沒有風雪泥濘,但洗車業興隆的地方 3)別謙虛了,他還以為你寒酸呢 6/22 中部某都市 風化滿城,惡道滿街 官匪一家親,小民苦呻吟 6/22 中部某都市 愈來愈像 Al Capone 治理下的芝加哥 6/22 中部某市長的身段 解嚴前的莒光日政治教學名嘴,為戒嚴辯護 解嚴後的政見發表記者招待名嘴,為刁民喉舌 6/18 尷尬: 歷史的正軌變成歷史的弔詭 6/18 塞爾特人隊的未來: 肉搏防守那麼行,改打美式足球好了,足球場總是比籃框大多了。 6/15 德州大哥來函表示意見;簡稱【德註】 6/14 足球: 一百年後韓國人將申請為世界文化遺產,但中國人不會抗議的一項體能活動 【德註】5% agreement - I don't think it will take them100 years; 5 years maximum and that estimate has the benefits of doubt included. 6/14 工程部副總: 不知道憑什麼混到這位置的白人 【德註】50% agreement - Used to work for 'THE' largest semiconductor foundry in the world for a while with its Eng. VP yellow as me but clueless as everyone else occupying that position. 6/14 海外台灣人: 藍與綠的堅持成為一種無害的嗜好 (這一句是剽竊而來的,而剽竊是一種無害的流行) 【德註】50% agreement - They are entertainingly harmless when abroad, devastatingly harmful when at home. 6/14 精英份子: 以貢獻社會為天職,以糟蹋社會為實質 【德註】50% agreement - Every one of them I knew had stopped believing the first part, something about presumed responsibilities, long before they were thus recognized. 6/13 歷史的正軌: 天下球賽贏久必輸,輸久必贏,但最後是塞爾特人隊贏 【德註】25% agreement - Although the fat lady has been warming up, still she hasn't sung yet, 50% reduction here; plus, you may become a Lakers fan sooner than you think, given where you may be heading to in near future, another 25% reduction. 【北橋註】相信歷史決定論的人不會因為一時的輸贏而改變他對歷史正軌的信仰 |
( 心情隨筆|雜記 ) |