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Tunisia vacation
2013/11/21 11:28:00瀏覽976|回應2|推薦27

Dear friends

Today (21 Nov.2013)I will head out to Tunisia, we 'll take plane to Hong Kong then via Bangkok to Amman, finally transfer to Tunis, we'll arrive Tunisia on 22 Nov. 2013.  this is my 2nd time to visit Tunisia,  I have been Tunisia in 2002.

                                               2002 Tunisia

We have 27 days vacation, 14 days in Tunisia then head out to Jordan and Israel, I have been Israel in 2005 and 2010, this is my 3rd time to Middle east.

2005 Patra Jordan

2010 Patra Jordan

2005 Israel

2010 in Israel 

I will be back on 17 Dec 2013, now I must say good bye to all my good friends.

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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2014/04/15 16:08

歡迎閒暇時  賞文指教唷


2013/11/24 11:52

Whoa.... You are traveling while posting new travelling writing in Utah. Do you work very hard in airport and airplane, buring your head in the laptop computer?

Enjoy your trip, and be safe!

Bled(narcissist20) 於 2013-12-19 19:31 回覆:

Thank you for your blessings

for relaxing my trip 

I never bring laptop during my journey 

so I will stop post articles in my blog almost one month until I'm back