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2017 Summer Vacation
2017/07/20 18:11:00瀏覽1249|回應5|推薦8

Dear friends:


I will set out my journey to Europe on 21 July 2017, this time I have 80 days vacation, I will be back on 12 Oct 2017, now is time say goodbye to all my friends, see you! 


( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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HA. Sounds crazy?
2017/10/03 08:21
I thought your solo travelling is risky to me, around many strangers all the times. Sailing is a new field to me, that's for sure. But some of the skills are overlapped with RVing, to maintain/repair your vehicle/trailer/vessel. Like the vehicle or airplane, there are all kinds of choices for different functions, for example for lake or sea use. That needs research. Navigation and wind study to setup the sail is something new to me. After get familiar and learn the new skills, sea seems safer than land. Most of the sailing people love freedom, more open minded, quite flexible as the ocean in view. The country I live is out of balance more, especially in city, even xenophobic because of China getting bigger and bigger, because of the religious conflict with Islam, because of rich getting richer and richer while homeless are more and more..... Overall, I don't see this country will get better in the future. Taking ferry is too passive to me. I do not like to check schedule, waiting.... Sailing is more everything on your hand, can go wherever you want to go, stay whatever long you want to stay as long as weather permitted, anchor many scenic places for free. Take a look those sailor videos I introduced, you will know more about sailing at sea. I will go one step at a time, see how far I can reach....Good trip and hope can read your writings about Italy.
Bled(narcissist20) 於 2017-10-04 04:03 回覆:

Life is creating yourself,

if it is your dreams,  then realize your dreams,

Best wishes to you.

That's Great!!
2017/10/02 08:58
Glad to hear your exciting travelling stories in Italy. That sounds enticing just read your words city by city.

Well, believe or not, I'm planning move to a sailboat two to three years from now, then across Pacific to Hawaii Tahiti South Pacific, then Alaska, then South America, finally destined to Mediterranean. Im just inspired too much by some brave women and men recently, as linked below.





Probably I will be the one living in Italy forever. HA. Enjoy their voyage sailing stories while in the trip.
Bled(narcissist20) 於 2017-10-02 14:36 回覆:
Are you sure? that is arduous journey, sailboat is not suit long journey in the ocean, you must think again, why you not take ferries go around the world?that is better than to risk by a sailboat.

Is everything OK?
2017/09/30 04:10
Time flies. How's the trip in Italy? Must be one of the best trips ever. People always said, travellers should leave the Italy the last of EU travelling, because it is he best of whole Europe. Agree?
Bled(narcissist20) 於 2017-10-01 03:35 回覆:

that is true,so I arranged several months holiday in Italy,from south to north, east to west, traveling all italy include almost   islands , such as Sardinia, Sicily.....

I like all the cities I have been:  Bastia(France), Palermo,Trapani,Cefalu,Enna, Agrigento,Siracusa......and Malta island, I wish I can stay those cities or country forever.

2017/08/22 03:22
Hi, Dream Girl's endless summer in EU, Any news? Today in North America is the day of full eclipse. The whole sun is covered by the shade of the moon, last for two hours. So cool.
Bled(narcissist20) 於 2017-08-22 21:06 回覆:

two days ago I arrived La Spezia, this is a nice harbor city than Genova, I bought a Cinque Terre one day Card , it costs 16 Euro, with this card I can by trains or buses go to near  towns  whole day time, after finished my schedule, I have 2 days no thing to do , just relax, enjoy in the fantastic harbor boulevard, every day sunset time, I like setting on seashore to write my diary ,this is a marvelous travel experence.

2017/08/03 07:25
My Goodness! Europe seems becoming your second home every summer. Enjoy the trip!!
Bled(narcissist20) 於 2017-08-03 13:13 回覆:
Europe countries  are the best destination for many  travelers, during my holiday, I sleep well than in my home, everyday I enjoy my journey very much.