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Summer Vacation 2016
2016/07/08 21:04:27瀏覽1266|回應7|推薦16

Dear friends


11 July I will set out my Summer Vacation 2016,

this time I have 3 months vacation,

I budgeted NT $ 350000 for my holiday

I will be back in October 2016,

so let me say good-bye to you now.


my holiday budget

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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2016/10/09 10:03
All of the sudden, I think of DG's travelling. Is it close to the end of the trip? You wonder around Italy until the last day of EU trip? Must be hard to say goodbye to that historical country. Couldn't wait to see your writings and photos about everything u have experienced. Or maybe too precious and like to accumulate for a new book. I pretty enjoy correspond with you on the road. I checked online city by city, felt like been there myself.
Bled(narcissist20) 於 2016-10-09 11:20 回覆:
Yesterday I departure from Heidelberg to Frankfurt, I booked one nice and cheap hotel near railway station, Tomorrow I will go to airport come back to home, I woun't ending my journey, but it is impossible, ending summer holiday, and looking forward to next year holiday.
Bled(narcissist20) 於 2016-10-09 11:20 回覆:
Yesterday I departure from Heidelberg to Frankfurt, I booked one nice and cheap hotel near railway station, Tomorrow I will go to airport come back to home, I woun't ending my journey, but it is impossible, ending summer holiday, and looking forward to next year holiday.

2016/09/21 07:47
Marvellous journey needs marvellous people with strong will and advanced planning to achieve final destination. U do walk your own way and create your own destiny. Best wish and go go go!!!
Bled(narcissist20) 於 2016-09-21 17:23 回覆:

after 2 days journey in Venezia, this morning I departure from Lido, my hotel was in there, by 11 bus I went to Pellestrina, after 1 hour changed ferry to Chioggia, 9:38am I arrived this city, then walking half hour from port to hotel, now I am in Chioggia Miramare hotel, a big room have big balcony one night charge only 40 Euro.

2016/09/06 08:05
Fall season apparently coming to North America since last week. Temperature drop around 10 degree, rain a lot.is that similar in southeast EU. U definitely will see the leaves turn yellow or red. I met Hungary immigrants here in Vancouver. They look very historical and traditional. Do u plan the trip to this country? Hear from you soon.
Bled(narcissist20) 於 2016-09-07 03:32 回覆:

this morning I departured from Foggia to Ancona, then by free bus to  Marittima, stay a short time , then by train went to Pesaro, tonight I stay in there.

21 Aug I departured from Berat to Saranda Albania, stay 3 nights then by ferry over land from Albania to  Corfu island in Greece again, stayed one night, then by Red Star ferry from Corfu to Brindisi in Italy, the ferry delay almost 3 hours, at midnight 2:30am departure Corfu, arrived Brindisi at 10:30am.

In south east Italy , I went around almost all region of puglia cities by local buses , such as Lecce, Otranto, Gallipoli, leuca.....it is a marvelous journey.

2016/08/20 04:50
Everything is fine so far? With such good bargain travel in that area, i think about get there next year. Italy probably is not that cheap, and must be quite crowded.
Bled(narcissist20) 於 2016-08-20 20:37 回覆:

from ochid to Tirane have bus tour can choose, but it is too easy to boring, so I decided by international bus by myself, from information center, I knew where to find bus to struga and where can find bus to Tirane, 9 Aug morning, I got local bus to Struga and easily find international bus station, waiting 2 hours then had 4 hours bus time I overland from Macedonia to Albania, stay Tirane 2 nights, by local bus I went around Kruja and Durres, then by bus went to Shkoda, after 2 days from Shkoda I overland to Ulcinj Montenegro, yestetday I overland again back Tirane, this morning I got 6:30 bus, after 2 hours, I arrived Berat Albania.

2016/08/07 01:17
Dream girl talking dream words....

Im just out of the woods of southwest Montana. Very glad your choice of first stop in Greece. That is a smart move. After their economic near meltdown last year, they must wide open their arm to visitors for travelling and spending. Just dont know if their ordinary citizens get living pace faster and smile less? Do the famous tour spots have crowd of foreign travellers picking up the record as before? No matter how bad the economics, believe blue is blue, green is green, nature is nature. Those remote islands on the Mediterranean ocean must be best love of painters or photographers.

Let me take a guess. After Greece, you probably head west towards Italy, arent you? Turkey seems under political turmoil and the whole nation has been in martial law.

Anyway, this is my first time visit Montana since moved to Salt Lake. Everything so clean and so green.. creek, lakes, rivers. Summer is very comfortable. I plan visit north Washington state, north cascade National Park, Vancouver, pacific coastal beaches and small towns, Canada's Rocky Mountain, Banff & Jasper. All popular summer tour spots. Some time next year, maybe you can arrange summer vacation in this area, i could give you a ride.

OK. Enjoy rest of your trip and safe home.
Bled(narcissist20) 於 2016-08-08 01:11 回覆:

29 July by ferry I back Athens again

then by train taxi and bus almost 10 hour to Kalambaka

from kalambaka to thessaloniki

stay 4 nights then by bus I overland greece to gevgelija of Mecedonia

then transfer local bus 4 hours to skopje

today by bus 3 hours from skopje to Ohrid

it is a beautiful town my hotel locate lakeside

in my room balcony have a nice view of lake

greece food are cheap then any european countries and Taiwan

and Macedonia all cost are cheaper then Greece,

I have good time in this summer

Are u witnessing the terror shooting one after another in ....
2016/07/27 08:08
In France, in German, in.... Can't imagine how the social atmosphere there?! Wish u are in Italy or north EU. People there probably still live normal daily, drink coffee, chat leisurely, enjoy life..... How's your trip so far?
Bled(narcissist20) 於 2016-07-27 23:49 回覆:

I am in Herraklion now 

14 July I arrived Athens

passport contral officer no asked any question

just one minute I passed custom

then I went to metro station by metro to Athens

from Monnastiraki metro staion walked to hotel

just 20 minutes I arrived the elite hotel in Athens city center

hotel gave me a best view room

in my room bacony I can see Acropolis

I like greece very much

I enjoy my holiday

Olivia 隨心所欲
2016/07/09 17:17
Bled(narcissist20) 於 2016-07-10 08:32 回覆:






