這部影集深入地刻劃人性的脆弱,ER的Julianna Margulies,原本只想當個稱職的家庭主婦,因飾演主任檢察官的丈夫~ Sex and the City中的 Chris Noth~ 貪污招妓醜聞而被迫重執律師業務。
律師影集一向充斥著尖酸刻薄的對話,華麗雋永的辭藻,隱諱雙關的語彙,嚴格說在日常生活中根本用不上,但我還是每集都重覆聽了好幾遍,甚至燒成光碟開車時聆聽英文對白。朋友上我的車都拜託別再聽 objection,sustain,overrule,argumentative,irrelevant.....等等這廝叫囂吧。
Alicia: I don't know what to do. I've worked hard. You say that's not enough, so I'll work harder. You tell me Cary can work harder still. So what do you want? Tell me what you want, because I can't lose this job. Diane: You're not Cary. You can never be Cary. But you don't have to be. Alicia: I don't understand. Diane: Your name, your connections... You've been reluctant to... use them. Alicia: You want me to use my connections? Diane: I want you to want the job.
To be, or not to be; that is the question ???