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2023/10/01 03:26:22瀏覽92|回應0|推薦0

師尊開示:有兩個很偉大的人物,我心中非常景仰。祂不是佛教徒:一個是十三世紀的聖方濟…,不是現在的方濟各,方濟各是現在的教宗。祂是天主教的,十三世紀的聖方濟,也是封聖。祂祈禱文的最後一句:「只有犧牲自己,才能夠得到永生。」另外,我敬佩第二個人也是天主教的:Saint Teresa 聖德蕾莎。我常講,祂講了一句話:「有了天堂我不會去。我不會去天堂。」那祢去哪裡?「我要跟最痛苦的人相處在一起。」這是 Saint Teresa 講的話:「有天堂我不去,我要跟最痛苦的相處在一起,我要去幫助最痛苦的人。」這是Saint Teresa 講的話。告訴大家,這兩個人就是無我!「無我」就是犧牲自己,成就眾生;「無我」就不會自己享樂,跟所有痛苦的人在一起;「無我」就是給予眾生,沒有自己。



她,皈依不久,卻對 師尊信心十足,在同門的鼓勵下,無為而為地幫助轉發 師尊開示的金剛經。然而卻因此令她從人生挫折中獲得了超然的領悟。她的故事非常感人。


By: Katrina Robinson

The Vajra Sutra is likened to the wheel of time. As time passes, everything will disappear. This is the dharma of severance, to cut off everything from your mind, good or bad, big, and small. It is the wisdom to annihilate everything and arrive at the highest attainment.

With this article I would like to discuss my experiences with the Vajra Sutra.

When I took refuge under Grand Master, he was already several months into the discourses of the Vajra Sutra. As a beginner I had never heard of the Vajra Sutra, and I did not comprehend the talks Grand Master was giving. I was eager to learn so I went to the YouTube channel so I could start from the beginning, discourse one, which was dated and aired live on my birthday. I took this as a good sign. I started to watch each discourse that Grand Master gave on the Vajra Sutra from the beginning and at the same time I also started to watch every video of Grand Master talks from the very first one posted on YouTube.

There was a lot I did not understand so I would also read the translated text of the discourses in hopes of gaining a better understanding. The one thing Grand Master would say that stayed on my mind was/is “The Vajra Sutra destroys everything.” I wondered, how does it destroy and what is it destroying. Unknowingly, I was beginning to experience how it destroys.

Due to several life events, I stopped and could not study the Sutra or complete a full practice. Whenever I tried emotions took over and I would just give up. This lasted for several months. I could only chant Mantra and read a few of the shorter sutras. I also continued to watch the older videos of Grand Master talks. Then, as some of you may know, a Tornado came through my town and destroyed everything, my entire world as I knew it. My faith and trust were not shaken, but I was struggling and at a breaking point. I had no clue how to start putting my life back together or what I should even do with my life.

One day, I was asked by the translation team to post Vajra Sutra chapters and excerpts to Facebook, and I agreed. So, now I am back reading the sutra daily, not intentionally trying to learn or understand, but because I am preparing to post and looking for the best portions to use as an excerpt to post. I went through phases of crying for hours at a time, mourning losing everything, having no place to stay, a long term relationship ending, having no steady source of income or a job, and not knowing what to do with my life. Through all of this I kept reading and posting every day. Gradually, without effort or intent understanding comes. I would read and comprehend with clarity. I knew where my life was going and what it is I am supposed to do.

My old life was destroyed. Hindrances that kept me trapped in that old life were destroyed. I was destroyed. Everything worked out in the most auspicious way. I was able to fully practice again without emotional interruptions. My family relations strengthen, especially with my 2nd oldest son. I received a job offer with an exceptional salary. Worry and doubt began to just fall away. I realized the emptiness in everything, and my natural spiritual gifts were present and heightened in a way that I still cannot explain. Once I realized my path Grand Master gave me confirmation and blessings that it is indeed the correct path. We are now back living in our home and still rebuilding our lives for the better with the guidance and protection of our Guru, the Buddhas, and Bodhisattvas.

I hope that anyone reading this utterly understands how the Vajra Sutra destroys everything and through faith and trust in our Guru, the Buddhas and bodhisattvas realize that everything is in the best arrangement. Me losing everything was just a thought, a thought that kept me afflicted, but was not reality. Grand Master and the Vajra Sutra helped me see the ultimate truth of things. What did I have to lose? Once this realization came, affliction ended. I was content with going from having 4 closets full of clothing and shoes to not being able to fill up a hotel closet. Looking at the damage no longer brought me to tears. I was able to let go of the fear of being alone, unloved, and unwanted so I was no longer sadden over a not so good relationship ending.

Whatever I and my family needed was provided for without me stressing or worrying over what we did not have. Our Guru is truly magnificent!

I would also like to add that as Dharma brothers and sisters we should continue to support each other to the best of our ability because if it were not for the support of my dearest brothers and sisters, at an incredibly low point in my life, I cannot imagine how I would have continued to push through.

Om Mani Padme Hum

Note: Picture of the Dakini was drawn by my oldest daughter Nya.





現場是無窮無盡的法流湧現,這法流通過時間及空間傳遞師尊的愛,如大日光輪般照耀無數弟子回家的方向,當我們藉由生基的地靈的靈氣來改變自身的運氣時,望眾弟子莫辜負 師尊的愛,要更勤奮的實修,送給 師尊最無上的禮物,是弟子們的實修證悟,解脫生死!!!


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