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2012/11/16 12:24:56瀏覽977|回應0|推薦9

[ Les Chansons Anniversaires pour Sun Yat Sen, Founder de la Republique de Chine] by Paul Myron Linebarger, 1936, M1804.L74c5

2008年夏, 我在美國國會圖書館亞洲部意外的發現了這本書: 林百克 為中華民國國父孫逸仙 周年紀念日 所寫的歌曲.

書的封面有明信片, 上書: '林百克君所居大廈之風景, ...Ocean Springs, Miss.在墨西哥湖邊, 美國之著名人物及大著作家多隱於此, 蓋取其風景幽美也.'

因為這書是珍藏本,不得借出, 僅影印了其中數首較為好聽的歌曲.

歌詞和歌曲均為林百克所作. 歌曲的曲名是法文,副標題是英文, 指出何時何地唱此曲, 好像是音樂劇或電影的場景. 歌詞是英文,有些還有中文對照. 現在簡介三首歌(有五線譜, 含伴奏).

I. A chanter sur la montagne de pourpre ( To be sung on Purple Mountain)

大意: 站在紫金山上, 懷念國父的理想. 看著揚子江面的泛光, 把西藏雪帶到江蘇岸.....

II. Chanson des trois fleches etincelantes et des quatre tours

( Song of the three gleaming spire and four shinning towers)


三個旅人來到路口, 一位是學者,一位名叫敢死, 一位是挑夫. 學者說走傳統的路. 英勇的敢死說走中山的路. 挑夫說不論走哪條路, 我都快沒力氣了. 敢死說我幫你挑, 中山的路雖崎嶇不平,但卻是公平的. 學者說助人為樂! 我也幫你挑!

三人同走中山的路. 快到目的時,敢死因為舊傷復發倒下來, 遺囑同伴繼續前行.

我想: "three gleaming spire and four shinning towers" 隱喻孫中山的建國理想, 達到這理想的方法是非傳統的, 崎嶇, 但是公平的.

III. Chanson des eureux Exiles ( The Happy Exile Song)

大意: 我們快樂的等在海外, 等那一聲召喚! 聽到那一聲我們即回去....

( 我想: 這是三首中音樂最好聽的)

[在翠亨村唱的], [在倫敦蒙難周年紀念日唱的]



University of Florida Smathers Libraries - Special and Area Studies Collections

Paul Myron Wentworth Linebarger (1871-1939) was a lawyer and author. He was an associate and advisor to Sun Yat-sen, 1907-1925, and legal advisor to the National Government of China, 1930-1937. He served as a circuit judge in the Philippines, 1901-1907, but resigned his position to actively support the political movement of Sun Yat-sen. He became an organizer in Mexico for Dr. Sun's secret society, Teng Meng Hui, which overthrew the Manchu Dynasty. In 1913, Linebarger wrote Our Chinese Chances which was circulated by Dr. Sun's political party, the Kuomingtang. In 1917, Linebarger became editor-in-chief of a monthly magazine, The Chinese Nationalist.

( 知識學習其他 )
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2012/11/22 01:17 【他山之石】 記念國父誕辰