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簡介Polyhymnia Chamber Choir
2013/04/20 04:27:50瀏覽322|回應1|推薦7

簡介Polyhymnia Chamber Choir( 波麗行吟)

Polyhymnia Chamber Choir 是個 約25人的混聲無伴奏合唱團, 由 Jim Klumpner 1991 年創立. 他身兼指揮和管理的工作. 招生, 買譜, 練唱, 演唱會, 大小事情, 一手包辦. polyhymniasings.org

這個團有三個特色. 指揮通常不選已唱過的曲子, 通常不選安魂曲, 彌撒之類. 他花了很多功夫找尋鮮為人知的, 有挑戰性的曲目. 他找很多地區, 各種語言的樂曲, 2003年元月音樂會有中文和 台灣原住民 的曲子.Polyhymnia演唱時, 同聲部的團員通常不站在一起. 每周練習時團員站成一單圈, 無法躲在別人後面. 音不準, 拍子唱錯, 音色不美, 馬上曝光, 大家都聽的清楚.

第三個特色是入團甄選的方式由整團參與. 如果你要參加甄選, 你先和團員一起練習. 指揮找個鮮為人知的曲子, 你無法事先準備. 練半小時之後, 你和3個別聲部的團員組合, 上台唱給大家聽. 然後請你離開. 團員指揮一起討論是否要錄取你. 除音準, 節奏外, 還看音色是否能調和. 討論結果再通知你. 這樣選出來的團員程度優秀, 練唱進度快, 加上曲目特別, 很能吸引老中青各年齡層好手參加.

請聽兩首Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco的曲子Nature & Le Rossignol ( The Nightingale ) 好詞配好曲,頗有中國藝術歌曲的精神.



Musoic: Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco

Words: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

As a fond mother, when the day is o'er,

Leads by the hand her little child to bed,

Half willing, half reluctant to be led,

And leave his broken playthings on the floor,

Still gazing at them through the open door,

Nor wholly reassured and comforted

By promises of others in their stead,

Which, though more splendid, may not please him more;

So nature deals with us, and takes away

Our playthings one by one, and by the hand

Leads us to rest so gently, that we go

Scarce knowing if we wish to go or stay,

Being too full of sleep to understand

How far the unknown transcends the what we know.

[Le Rossignal ]( The Nightingale )

Music: Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco

Words: Frere Joseph ( Francois Leclero Du Tremblay)

English version by George Mead

His voice pours out his music In a thousand pearly trills

The voices of heav'n take up the song And send it back through the hills

Who may say of what he is singing In the moonlight from above

Of death, of pain, or of sorrow, Is it heartbreak, is it love?

When through the meadows I wander, Repeating a hymn of praise,

The voice of my jealous companion Fills the sky with roundelays.

Then as the music increases, Rending the echoing sky,

I seem to hear the sound of angels And my heartlifts up its reply

And as these brave little songbirds Blend all their songs in one

All the discords of creation Resolve in one happy tone

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2013/08/09 20:20

