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2020/11/21 07:38:08瀏覽3517|回應0|推薦5 | |
安迪老師鋼琴課 Teacher Andy
安迪老師在德國漢堡國立音樂大學教授鋼琴,70年代 來台灣學習中文. 他用中文 講音樂家的故事及思想,詮釋音樂以及彈琴的技巧 , 內容經典又幽默 ,語調放鬆而安詳。 很多留言表示, 安迪老師 讓愛樂者得到啟發, 學中文的人得到鼓勵 也 讓傷心的人得到撫慰。 Andy Stier teaches piano at The University of Music and Theater Hamburg. He came to Taiwan to study Chinese in the 1970’s. Introducing a piano piece in each video, Andy talks in Chinese about the background and composer’s thoughts. He demonstrates the skills needed for interpretation of the music. His teaching is classical and humorous with a relaxing style and calm voice. To summarize viewers’ comments, Andy’s videos are very inspiring for music lovers, encouraging for Chinese learners and comforting for sad souls. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZg4j8q1h0fT_j48R3aN4Lg https://space.bilibili.com/678066572?from=search&seid=8998509565604651778 https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Musician/安迪老師-Teacher-Andy-114371100204890/ https://teacherandy.buzzsprout.com There is English subtitle, as well as Chinese, in the following: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOZfefOlQuw&t=95s 觸鍵的方法會影響音色? 德布西第一號華麗曲 Debussy Arabesque No1 L66 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55VhwhY27pA&t=43s 聊你們喜歡的曲子: 蕭邦夜曲第一號Op9 Chopin Nocturne Op9 No.1 b-minor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68krpyi-waw&t=51s 德布西 月光曲:跟隨著大自然的運轉 Debussy Clair de Lune 2020/04/07 中時 李欣恬 ( about Teacher Andy) https://www.chinatimes.com/amp/realtimenews/20200407005388-263301 |
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