年輕的室友當中,有一位是比他高一屆的學長 W 。那時 W 喜歡上藥學系的一位女生,W跟室友當中有個默契,每一次約會回來,都會一路唱著歌。慿著歌曲,他們全寢室的人都知道當晚約會的結果如何。如果 W 唱的是《月滿西樓》,那麼一定是歡歡喜喜的滿載而歸。如果他們聽到的歌曲是《癡癡的等》,那麼全寢室就知道小兩口子大概鬧彆扭了。
那天來到的時候,他會約她去聽一場音樂會,之後去找個清靜的館子吃飯,他們會開心地分享彼此的生活和喜好,以及對未來的憧憬。送她回宿舍以後,他也會一路唱著歌回自己的寢室。那時,他的歌曲又會是什麼?他想到她蘋果般的笑靨、以及烏溜溜的眼睛。想著、想著,音樂劇 Camelot (卡美洛)裡的“If ever I would leave you”,不覺浮上心頭。
If ever I would leave you? 不可能的,他這一輩子永遠忘不了她,永遠不會離開她。他這麼想著。
If ever I would leave you (from musical "Camelot")
If ever I would leave you It wouldnt be in summer. Seeing you in summer I never would go. Your hair streaked with sun-light, Your lips red as flame, Your face with a lustre that puts gold to shame!
But if Id ever leave you, It couldnt be in autumn. How Id leave in autumn I never will know. Ive seen how you sparkle When fall nips the air. I know you in autumn And I must be there.
And could I leave you running merrily through the snow? Or on a wintry evening when you catch the fires glow?
If ever would leave you, How could it be in spring-time? Knowing how in spring Im bewitched by you so? Oh, no! not in spring-time! Summer, winter or fall! No, never could I leave you at all!