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淺談”to + gerund 動名詞” – 中英文說文解字系列之五
2009/06/15 08:45:58瀏覽3136|回應2|推薦49

淺談”to + gerund 動名詞” – 中英文說文解字系列之五

動名詞/gerund = 動詞 + ing, 顧名思義, 就是動詞形成的名詞仍保有動詞的作用和意涵。動名詞同名詞一樣, 可作為句子的主詞或受/賓詞 Seeing is believing 這句中, seeing believing 都是動名詞。Swimming(主詞)is a good exercise; I like swiwwing (受詞)。

 不定詞/infinitive = to + 動詞: 最常見到的不定詞是在一句中,在第一個動詞後的每一動詞前加上to, 例: I want to go outside to exercise. 一句中可以有數個不定詞。

 動名詞前的 to, 是介系詞/preposition; 也就是說: 一個句子中的動名詞, 是其前面的介系詞 to 的受詞, 例: I am committed to finishing this job這句中, finishing 是 to 的受詞。

不定詞中的 to, 不是介系詞, 這個 to,是組成不定詞的的一部分 (有不需加上 to 的不定詞,容另文說明) 。


動名詞 gerund to

 I am looking forward to seeing you/hearing from you.

 The president is committed to reducing the budget deficit.

Thank you for your commitment to keeping our environment healthy!

The mayor is dedicated to helping the homeless people in this city.

The principal is devoted to improving students’ reading ability.

This is the key to solving the problem.

He pleaded guilty to abusing animal.

The engine is essential to moving the car.

In addition to writing poems, he writes fictions.

I am close to finishing my job.

I am used to getting up early (指目前 習慣)。

比較:  I used to get up(不定詞)early(指從前習慣)。

He adjusted well to being let go/laid off.

上面例句中, to 後面的字, 都是動名詞, 作為介系詞 to 的受詞。

 不定詞 infinitive to

 To see (主詞) is to believe (主詞同位格).

 I want to get something to eat to replenish my energy.

The governor needs to collect more tax to balance the budget.

He asks for a large amount of money to pay off his debt.

He walks a long distance every day to improve his health.

上面例句中的 to, 不是介系詞, 它与後面的動詞, 構成不定詞。 不定詞可當主詞、受詞、形容詞用或副詞用。不定詞与動詞一樣, 有不同的時式 tenses。




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2009/06/27 20:13

那天我翻到過去好久好久的成績單 哇 英文都是滿分  唉 現在都不管用

我覺得學說英文會話 也要有這環境  因為環境所逼因為需要才會努力追求  

敢說敢現 滾瓜爛熟就自然 現在我好像沒鬥志 只能保持把中文說好的現狀   

This is really useful...: )
2009/06/16 22:27
Thank you very much for making this aspect of grammer more enlightened to me ~~~ surely for others too, I bet!
通霄客(mrlee123) 於 2009-06-17 00:35 回覆:

Boh Ke Do Bei,

Thanks for your comments; I am glad that you like this kind of analysis.  To be honest with you, I did not know much about using a gerund  the way that I cited in my article before I came to the U.S.  Your encouragement gives me more confidence in writing some more about Chinese and English languages.