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2023/04/04 15:26:16瀏覽386|回應0|推薦1 | |
Rare Pikachu, Kobe’s sneakers — a hidden vault guards it all (稀有的皮卡丘、柯比的球鞋—一座秘密金庫守護這一切
【摘要2023.3.23.四.自由】◎孫宇青 The ordinary brown brick building, tucked within a nondescript block in Delaware, hints that something important lay inside, possibly even precious. 這座藏身於德拉瓦州一個平凡街區的尋常棕色磚造建築物,暗示著裡頭置放著重要、甚至可能稱得上珍貴的某些物品。 There’s a rare Pikachu card and a pair of sneakers worn and signed by the late NBA great Kobe Bryant. 裡頭放著稀有的皮卡丘卡片,以及已過世的美國職籃偉大球星柯比‧布萊恩曾穿過,而且留有簽名的一雙球鞋。 In all, $200 million in collectibles are stored in two vaults inside the building, equipped with some of the latest technology to keep the valuable cache safe from harm or thieves. 總的來說,有價值2億美元的珍藏品被收藏在該建物裡的兩座金庫,內部配備著某些最新科技,保護這些珍貴的物件不被損害或盜竊。 "A lot of people don’t keep jewelry at their house. They keep it at a safety deposit box," said Ross Hoffman, the chief executive officer of Goldin Co., a division of industry giant Collectors. Goldin公司執行長羅斯‧霍夫曼說:「很多人不把珠寶放在家裡,而是保管在安全的保險箱中。」該公司是產業巨擘Collectors的一個分支。 The building has no signage, and the company asked that any hint of its location not be divulged.(AP) 該公司沒在建物外掛招牌,並要求不要洩露任何有關其位置的訊息。(美聯社) 新聞辭典 nondescript:形容詞,難以形容的;無特徵的。例句:Our office is in a nondescript building on the edge of town.(我們辦公室在城郊一座不起眼的大樓裡。) divulge:動詞,洩露。例句:He accidentally divulged the information to the media.(他不小心把訊息洩露給媒體。)
( 時事評論|政治 ) |