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2023/04/30 09:02:24瀏覽343|回應0|推薦0 | |
Cat-loving Osaka mayor ignites fight on allowing pets at 2025 expo 大阪愛貓市長點燃2025世博允許寵物入場的論戰
【摘要2023.4.28.五.自由】◎張沛元 Feline-friendly Osaka Mayor Ichiro Matsui hopes to make the 2025 Osaka Kansai Expo the first one to allow pets, but a number of hurdles stand in the way. (日本)大阪市的愛貓市長松井一郎希望把2025年大阪關西世界博覽會打造成第一個允許寵物入場的世博會,然此構想面臨重重阻礙。 The Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition, the expo’s organizer, is making adjustments to allow people to enjoy the expo, whose theme is “inochi” (life), with their pets. 「2025年日本世界博覽會協會」的主辦單位正在進行調整,好讓民眾能與其寵物一起享受這場以いのち(生命)為主題的世博會。 However, challenges are piling up, such as how to take care of people with fur allergies, how to handle the pets’ waste, and how to secure the extra funding needed. 然而,挑戰層出不窮,像是如何照顧對動物的毛過敏的人、如何處理寵物的排泄物,以及如何確保取得所需的額外資金。 Allowing pets at the venue would require an estimated 900 million yen in additional expenses to cover costs for personnel, places for the animals and cleanup work. 允許寵物入場估計需要9億日圓的額外費用,以支付人員、動物安置場所以及清理工作的費用。 新聞辭典 ignite:動詞,點燃,激起。 stand in the way of something or someone/stand in someone’s way:慣用語,試圖阻止,力圖阻撓。例句:Her parents stood in her way of studying abroad.(她的雙親攔阻她出國求學。) pile (something) up:片語,成為一堆;把…堆積起來。例句:There were mountains of unclaimed parcels piling up inside the store.(這家店內的無人領取包裹堆積如山。) |
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