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2023/05/14 23:21:10瀏覽194|回應0|推薦1 | |
Life-size sculpture of euthanized walrus unveiled in Norway 遭安樂死的海象等身雕塑在挪威亮相
【摘要2023.5.9.二.自由】◎魏國金 A walrus that became a global celebrity last year after it was seen frolicking and basking in a Oslo fjord before it was euthanized by the authorities has been honored with a bronze sculpture in Norway. 一頭去年被當局安樂死之前,在奧斯陸峽灣嬉戲、曬太陽而成為全球知名動物的海象,在挪威以一座青銅雕塑為紀念。 The life-size sculpture by Norwegian artist Astri Tonoian was unveiled Saturday at the Oslo marina not far from the place where the actual 600-kilogram mammal was seen resting and relaxing during the summer of 2022. 這座由挪威藝術家托諾安創作的等身雕塑週六在奧斯陸小船塢揭幕,該處距離這頭實際有600公斤重的哺乳動物,2022年夏季被目擊休憩與放鬆的地方不遠。 The walrus, named Freya, quickly become a popular attraction among Oslo residents but Norwegian authorities later made a decision to euthanize it — causing public outrage — because they said people hadn’t followed recommendations to keep a safe distance away from the massive animal. 這頭名為芙蕾雅的海象很快成為奧斯陸居民的熱門景點,但挪威當局之後卻決定將牠安樂死—此舉引發眾怒—因為他們說,人們沒有遵守建議,與這頭龐然動物保持安全距離。 新聞辭典 life-size:實體大小的、等身的。例句:The museum exhibits many species of life-size dinosaur models.(這座博物館展示許多種實物大小的恐龍模型。) euthanize:動詞,對....實施安樂死。例句:She made the decision to euthanize the seriously ill dog.(她決定為這隻生重病的狗實施安樂死。) |
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