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Comfort Objects小被被心理學
2023/02/11 21:30:30瀏覽204|回應0|推薦1

Comfort Objects




Just like children who depend on transitional objects, adults also need comfort during times of transition. When adults face change in their lives, such as starting a new job or moving to a different city, a comfort object can help them adjust. Looking at photos of people they love can remind them that they are not alone. Having an emotional connection with an object can provide a familiar feeling while they adapt to a new environment. Apparently, the idea that comfort objects are only for children simply isn’t true.



depend on... 依靠仰賴……

adjust vi. 適應

apparently adv. 顯然地;似乎

免費線上聽外師朗讀 https://ivyforfree.pse.is/3jks97


Fox News parts ways with Lara Trump, former president’s daughter-in-law



Lara Trump, the daughter-in-law of Donald Trump, will no longer be paid to offer commentary on Fox News, the network announced over the weekend — a move that could suggest the conservative-leaning channel is distancing itself from his 2024 campaign.


“We appreciate Lara’s valuable contributions across Fox News Media programming,” a Fox News spokesperson told The Washington Post on Sunday.


A source with knowledge of the situation said the decision to sever ties with Lara Trump stemmed solely from the network’s ban on political activity, though the policy generally applies to commentators who announce their own campaign runs, such as former Fox News contributor Sarah Sanders — who left the network when she announced her bid for governor of Arkansas — rather than to relatives of announced candidates.



part ways (with someone):慣用語,分手拆夥,分道揚鑣,與某人分開、離開、停止交往、結束關係。例句:They parted ways following their disagreement.(他們因歧見而拆夥。)

distance oneself from:慣用語,與某人保持距離。

stem from:慣用語,源自,由造成。例句:The crisis stemmed from her ignorance.(危機源自她的無知。)

( 時事評論國際 )
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