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Stolen hot dog statue returned to WVa restaurant owner 遭竊的熱狗塑像回歸西維吉尼亞州餐廳老闆
2023/01/30 23:29:48瀏覽268|回應0|推薦1

Stolen hot dog statue returned to WVa restaurant owner




The owner of a West Virginia restaurant that was heavily damaged by fire has his coveted hot dog statue back.


The “Wienerman” statue was stolen from the Dairy Winkle in Campbells Creek during a break-in sometime after the Jan. 11 fire, the Kanawha County Sheriff’s Office said in a news release.


A tip led deputies to a location where the statue was found undamaged. It was returned to restaurant owner Kerry Ellison, the statement said.


Investigators have not identified a suspect and are seeking information about the theft.


The short statue depicts a hot dog licking its lips and holding a bottle of mustard while pouring a bottle of ketchup on its head. AP



covet:動詞,指覬覦、垂涎、貪求、渴望。coveted為形容詞,指垂涎的。例句:He gave up a coveted job.(他放棄了一份別人夢寐以求的工作。)

depict:動詞,指描繪。例句:Horror was depicted on every countenance.(每張臉孔都出現駭愕表情。)

pour:動詞。指傾瀉、湧出。例句:I was standing in the pouring rain for an hour.(我在傾盆大雨中站了1小時。)


He was reporting on drought in Kenya. A young elephant stole the show



Kenyan TV reporter Alvin Kaunda tried so hard to keep a straight face on the job, but a curious baby elephant got the best of him.


Kaunda was in the middle of detailing the effects of human actions on the natural world when the tip of a brown trunk popped into view just behind his left ear.


The trunk, belonging to one of the young residents of an elephant orphanage in Nairobi where Kaunda had gone to report a story on the devastating drought affecting Kenya and its wildlife, gently draped over the journalist’s shoulder before twisting upward to investigate his ear, exploring the side of his head.



steal the show:慣用語,搶鋒頭。例句:He was doing an online interview for a TV channel but the cat playing around him the camera stole the show.(他正在接受電視頻道的線上訪問,但在他身畔玩耍的貓搶盡鋒頭。)

get the best of someone:慣用語,戰勝某人、擊敗某人。例句:His fear got the better of him and he ran away.(他受不恐懼而逃跑了。)

drape over:片語,把披、搭、蒙在上。

( 時事評論國際 )
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