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The Rise of Repairs搶救大作戰 就是捨不得丟
2023/02/05 18:41:55瀏覽158|回應0|推薦0

The Rise of Repairs

搶救大作戰 就是捨不得丟



Life in 2022 is getting more expensive every day. Rising inflation is making it harder for regular people to buy new things. To save money, some people are choosing to repair their old stuff instead of replacing it. In addition to saving some cash, people can experience a satisfying feeling when fixing broken items on their own. Financial benefits aren’t the only reason why people are handling repairs at home. Many people now realize that buying new things all the time is bad for the environment.

2022 年的生活每天都變得越來越貴。不斷上升的通貨膨脹讓一般人更難購買新東西。為了省錢,有些人選擇修理他們的舊物而不是更換它們。除了能省下一些現金外,當人們靠自己修理損壞的物品時也會有一種滿足感。經濟利益並不是人們在家進行維修的唯一原因。現在很多人都意識到,一直買新東西對環境有害。


replace vt. 取代

satisfying a. 令人滿意的

benefit n. 利益,好處

免費線上聽外師朗讀 https://ivyforfree.pse.is/3jks97


Wild winter storm envelops US, snarling Christmas travel

猛烈冬季風暴籠罩美國 使耶誕節交通打結


A wild winter storm continued to envelop much of the United States on Saturday, bringing blinding blizzards, freezing rain, flooding and life-threatening cold that created mayhem for those traveling for the Christmas holiday.


The storm was nearly unprecedented in its scope.


About 60% of the U.S. population faced some sort of winter weather advisory or warning, and temperatures plummeted drastically below normal from east of the Rocky Mountains to the Appalachians, the National Weather Service said.


“In some areas, being outdoors could lead to frostbite in minutes," it said. (AP)



wild:形容詞,猛烈的;無根據的;非常愉快的;不受控制的。例句:He made some wild accusations against his rival.(他對對手提出一些沒有事實根據的指控。)

envelop:動詞,包圍,籠罩。例句:The mountain peaks enveloped in clouds.(山頂被雲層籠罩。)

( 時事評論國際 )
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