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Twitter account with cat avatar takes centre stage on China protests (帶有貓咪虛擬化身的推
2022/12/24 19:03:11瀏覽196|回應0|推薦1

Twitter account with cat avatar takes centre stage on China protests




The unprecedented protests that swept China late last month, posing the biggest challenge to leader Xi Jinping’s authority since he came to power, had a peculiar focal point: a Chinese Twitter account with a cat avatar.


As people took to the streets to call for greater freedoms and an end to zero-Covid restrictions, the account "Teacher Li is Not Your Teacher" live-tweeted the demonstrations in real-time, offering a rare window into just how quickly and widely the eruption of dissent.


Inside China, videos, photos and accounts of the protests were swiftly censored online. But participants, witnesses and others who knew how to scale the Great Firewall would send them to “Teacher Li,” which became a crucial source of information for people in China and beyond.



take centre stage:片語,成為焦點。例句:Economy is taking centre stage in the government’s plans.(經濟成為政府計畫的核心焦點。)

avatar:名詞,化身。例句:He regards himself as an avatar of justice.(他把自己看作是正義的化身。)

scale:動詞,攀登、爬越。例句:He scaled the barrier like a monkey.(他像猴子般爬越過柵欄。)

( 時事評論國際 )
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