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Panel suggests ridership level for reviewing rural rail lines專家小組就檢討鄉下鐵路路線的載客量水準
2022/12/18 09:21:58瀏覽72|回應0|推薦0

Panel suggests ridership level for reviewing rural rail lines




An expert panel advising the transport ministry proposed new guidelines on July 25 for when rail lines that have been in the red for years should come up for review.


The panel recommended that train services run by Japan Railway companies should be evaluated once they hit a certain low level of ridership.


But the panel took a conservative approach, setting the benchmark far lower than decades ago, when it was used in determining whether to cut unprosperous rail services.


A review would not necessarily lead to anything drastic, such as scrapping a rail line outright, although it could indeed put it on the chopping block.



be in the red:慣用語,虧空;負債;有赤字。例句:The travel agency has been in the red for the last three years.(這家旅行社過去3年一直處於虧損狀態。)


on the chopping block:慣用語,字面意義為放在砧板上,形容任人宰割,受制於人,人為刀俎我為魚肉;chopping block,砧板。例句:In recent days, European leaders have proposed a ban on Russian coal imports and have floated the possibility of sanctions on Russian oil as well. Russian natural gas, which makes up a large percentage of the fuels used across Europe, does not appear to be on the chopping block.(歐洲領袖近日已提議禁止俄羅斯煤炭進口,並也提出可能對俄羅斯石油實施制裁,但在歐洲各地所使用的燃料中佔很大比例的俄國天然氣,看似尚未任人宰割。)

( 時事評論國際 )
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