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2022/12/18 09:21:58瀏覽72|回應0|推薦0 | |
Panel suggests ridership level for reviewing rural rail lines 專家小組就檢討鄉下鐵路路線的載客量水準提出建議
【摘要2022-12-16五.自由】 An expert panel advising the transport ministry proposed new guidelines on July 25 for when rail lines that have been in the red for years should come up for review. 1個為(日本)國土交通省提供建言的專家小組,7月25日就何時該將長年處於虧損狀態的鐵路路線提交檢討,提出新指導方針。 The panel recommended that train services run by Japan Railway companies should be evaluated once they hit a certain low level of ridership. 該小組建議,由各日本鐵路公司(JR)營運的火車路線的載客量一旦低到某種程度,就必須進行評估。 But the panel took a conservative approach, setting the benchmark far lower than decades ago, when it was used in determining whether to cut unprosperous rail services. 但該小組採取保守作法,將基準訂得遠低於數十年前,當年的基準是用來判定不賺錢的鐵路路線是否該被裁撤。 A review would not necessarily lead to anything drastic, such as scrapping a rail line outright, although it could indeed put it on the chopping block. 檢討雖不見得必會導致任何激烈後果,像是徹底廢線,但確實可能導致該路線任人宰割。 新聞辭典 be in the red:慣用語,虧空;負債;有赤字。例句:The travel agency has been in the red for the last three years.(這家旅行社過去3年一直處於虧損狀態。) scrap:動詞,取消、放棄、銷毀。 on the chopping block:慣用語,字面意義為放在砧板上,形容任人宰割,受制於人,人為刀俎我為魚肉;chopping block,砧板。例句:In recent days, European leaders have proposed a ban on Russian coal imports and have floated the possibility of sanctions on Russian oil as well. Russian natural gas, which makes up a large percentage of the fuels used across Europe, does not appear to be on the chopping block.(歐洲領袖近日已提議禁止俄羅斯煤炭進口,並也提出可能對俄羅斯石油實施制裁,但在歐洲各地所使用的燃料中佔很大比例的俄國天然氣,看似尚未任人宰割。) |
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