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2022/12/11 19:10:48瀏覽178|回應0|推薦1 | |
Manga artist falls for fake Mark Ruffalo, loses $500,000 漫畫家被假的馬克‧魯法洛迷倒,損失50萬美元
【摘要2022.12.9.五.自由】◎張沛元 The latest work from veteran manga artist Chikae Ide follows her common theme of romance and relationships, but “Poison Love” is quite different than her previous pieces. (日本)資深漫畫家井出智香惠的最新力作,秉持其一貫的羅曼史與男女關係的主題,但(這部名為)「毒戀」(的漫畫)與其以往的作品大不相同。 First of all, it is based on a true story about a lovestruck woman in an international romance who gets swindled out of 75 million yen ($523,200). 首先,該作品是改編自真實故事,描述一名在跨國戀中被愛情沖昏頭的女子,被人騙走7500萬日幣(52萬3200美元)。 And secondly, the protagonists are Ide herself and a man she believed was Mark Ruffalo, the Hollywood actor who plays the Bruce Banner-Hulk character in the “Avengers” films. 其次,故事主人翁是井出本人,以及與一名她原以為是好萊塢男星馬克‧魯法洛的男子。魯法洛曾在「復仇者聯盟」系列電影中,扮演本名布鲁斯‧班纳的(漫威英雄)浩克。 Ide, 74, says she hopes her latest work, a confession of sorts, will help others avoid being scammed in online international romances. 74歲的井出說,希望她的最新力作或說告白,能協助其他人避免陷入國際網戀騙局。 新聞辭典 fall for someone:片語,1)對某人傾心,迷戀某人。例句:She totally fell for the guy she only met once. (她徹底迷戀上那個她只見過一次的男人。) lovestruck:形容詞,熱戀的;被愛沖昏腦的。 swindle (one) out of (something):片語,從某人身上詐騙/騙取某物。例句:The broker tried to swindle millions of dollars out of his clients.(這名仲介企圖從客戶身上騙取數以百萬計的金錢。)
The Old City of Dubrovnik 君臨城下:杜布羅夫尼克古城 【摘要2022.12.9.五.壹蘋】 In 1979, Dubrovnik became a UNESCO World Heritage site because of its historical importance. In recent years, Dubrovnik began receiving lots of attention for a completely different reason. It was selected by the creators of HBO s Game of Thrones as a place to film many important scenes. In the series, Dubrovnik represented King s Landing, the center of power in Westeros. Since the port city was already surrounded by walls, the show s producers didn t need to make any changes or use special effects to improve the scenery. 1979 年,杜布羅夫尼克因其歷史重要性成為聯合國教科文組織世界遺產。近幾年,杜布羅夫克由於一個迥異的原因獲得大量關注。它被 HBO《權力遊戲》的製片方選為許多重要場景的拍攝地。在這影集中,杜布羅夫尼克代表了維斯特洛的權力中心──君臨城。由於這個港口城市已經被城牆環繞起來了,節目製片不需做任何變動或使用特效去優化場景。 生活必備字詞: ◆免費線上聽外師朗讀 https://ivyforfree.pse.is/3jks97 |
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