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Death of a political Icon
2009/08/26 21:33:11瀏覽379|回應0|推薦4
I know I have been blogging in english. I have been too lazy to put my thoughts down in Chinese....

5AM this morning, I woke up to my usual radio alarm that plays ABC news.  I didn't expect to be this sad first thing in the morning but I was. The news of Ted Kennedy's death shocked me.  As a follower, I always thought he was going to come back on his feet and beat this disease.

Throughout this health care reform debate, I had hope that he would come back and work with the rest of the senators and fix our health care.   As said on the radio, he was one of the most powerful Democratic Senators on the Capitol Hill.  It is just sad that this Democratic Senator will never lived to see the day that the health care reform that he spent his career advocating goes through.
( 時事評論政治 )
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