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What is wrong with people?
2009/06/15 22:58:57瀏覽494|回應2|推薦5
I have been gearing up to write travel pieces about my trip to Taiwan, however, right now at work I am just puzzled by the types of people that I work with.

This woman thinks she has a type A personality so she says she takes on every task  and gets herself overwhelmed. Everyday over the cubicles I can hear her complaining about how hard work is on her and how much work affects her personal life and how important she is so she has to attend EVERY meeting even though she complains about ALL of them.
Well first of all, she works hard, but she doesn't work smart.  She yells at her cube mate and tells her cube mate to do many things and demands everyone to do things her way. God forbid that things are not done her way. 
But she still has time in the morning to talk on the phone about her horses and her personal life!
This woman is aggravating at its best! She is so stupid.. she is not even doing things that she is in charge of ...
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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2013/01/26 12:05
Tell Her Grow Up! You are not paid to hear her whinning

2009/06/16 08:50

She’s just a whining baby.

小點兒(miaka9383) 於 2009-06-17 00:12 回覆:
yes she is