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2016/02/03 00:31:36瀏覽1284|回應5|推薦17 | |
上週末 休士頓 成大校友会 Keynote speaker, 超導大師 朱經武 警告 青年才俊 ~ 当心 瓜田李下。 提到 李文和 http://www.amazon.com/dp/0786886870/ref=rdr_ext_tmb, 錢學森, 以及 近日 發生的 郗小星 罪名: Economic Espionage https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/investigate/counterintelligence/economic-espionage 賣 〝值錢〞know-how 知識 到国外 ? ! http://articles.philly.com/2015-09-18/news/66646778_1_espionage-federal-prosecutors-cases http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2015/11/feature-chinese-american-scientists-crosshairs 『In the past year alone, charges have been dropped against five Chinese-born scientists accused of crimes related to trade secrets theft or economic spying. A sixth defendant, a New York University (NYU) medical imaging researcher accused of passing confidential information about NYU research into magnetic resonance imaging technology to a company in China, pleaded guilty to a single misdemeanor last March. In several instances, critics say, the U.S. government has charged scientists without understanding the science at the heart of its allegations. 』 身心傷痛﹐名利俱損。(听說 律師費, bail bond fee, 美金 幾十 萬?) 老共 大国崛起, 美華 近水樓臺﹐池魚之殃,若 事業太順﹐樹大遭風,易遭小人忌妒,瓜田不繫鞋,李下不整冠。当 自求多福 ? ! 如何 自求多福 ? ! 例如: 團結就是力量 ~ 參加 OCA https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organization_of_Chinese_Americans Bad Moon Rising - CCR 白色恐怖 ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism 黑幫 ? http://blog.udn.com/mbr8879576/41995513 C'est La Vie﹐ 請教 UDN 諸菩薩: 您 有 什麼 高招 ? ! 懇請不吝賜教? 郗小星、陈霞芬被误控为中国间谍出席国会新闻发布会 华裔教授被诬中国间谍 10余美国特工端枪冲进家 |
( 時事評論|政治 ) |