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2007/09/26 21:26:10瀏覽1594|回應2|推薦53

流浪之歌音樂節 免費聽德國民謠



文化局指出,「2007流浪之歌音樂節」對話系列,德國規模最大的世界民謠音樂節「TFF.Ruldostadt」的藝術總監班哈‧漢尼肯(Bernhard Hanneken)將於10月3日在台北國際藝術村分享策展概念,並與主辦單位以城市行銷與傳統再生為題,暢談城市音樂節的定位。




今年的音樂影像館與挪威 Riddu Riddu Festivalli海岸風暴音樂節、大肚根文化工作室(台灣)共同策展。挪威海岸風暴音樂節與阿美影展策展人、台灣重要原住民影像工作者馬躍‧比吼,將各自提出與世界原住民權利議題相關的影片,以影像對話,共同揭露世界各地原住民文化面臨的危機與轉機。

This year's MMF film program is co-curated by the Riddu Riddu Festival of Norway and the DaDuGen Culture Workshop of Taiwan, and features films on the indigenous peoples of Norway and Taiwan. This presentation of films aims to start a dialog on issues faced by indigenous peoples all over the world, and to bring attention to the crisis and changes faced by indigenous communities worldwide.

9.29 [六 Sat]

【來跳舞吧!? Let's Dance!】
導演 Director:Paul-Anders Simma│薩米Sami
長度 Duration:17 min│芬蘭 Finland

情竇初開的薩米少年Lassi第ㄧ次參加舞會,邀請心儀已久的Saara跳舞。從此,暗無天日的極地之冬,開出春的花朵,ㄧ如薩米少年的初戀。【極地之愛】與【來跳舞吧!】是薩米族導演Paul-Anders Simma不同時期的劇情短片。雖都以愛情為題,卻同時反映了現代薩米族人的生活、儀式、價值與生存之道。以薩米族人的生存空間為拍攝背景,並以薩米語為對話語言,對於芬蘭境內極少數的薩米族人來說,有重要的象徵意義。
Lassi is living in a small village in the wilderness. It's the middle of the winter, with darkness and snow everywhere. Yet one day flowers bloom in the snowdrift, and the icy wind turns warm. How full of wonder and magic is this first love to a twelve year-old!
Paul-Anders Simma就讀於瑞典電影學院,拍攝作品多與薩米文化有關,如長片作品有【The Minister of State】、【The Legacy of the Tundra】,探討麋鹿馴養人的心理層面,紀錄片作品【Give Us Our Skeletons!】,跟隨薩米運動者Nils Somby腳步,追索祖先被驅趕回祖居地的一段歷史。
Paul-Anders Simma (Sami) studied at the Swedish Film Institute. His breakthrough short film, Let’s Dance! (1991), is a humorous story about a Sami boy going to his first dance. Simma's feature films include The Minister of State (1997) and The Legacy of the Tundra (1995), which explores the psychological dimensions of reindeer-herding Sami. His documentary work includes the celebrated Give Us Our Skeletons! (1999), on Sami activist Nils Somby and his quest for the repatriation of the human remains of Sami ancestors.


導演介紹見【來跳舞吧!? 】
Director's info please see
【Let's Dance!】
【極地之愛 The Story of Arctic Love
導演 Director:Paul-Anders Simma│薩米Sami
長度 Duration:20 min│芬蘭 Finland

Iisko-Matti is a young snowmobile mechanic who has fallen hopelessly in love with Aletta, the daughter of a wealthy reindeer breeder. Under any normal circumstances, Iisko-Matti wouldn’t have the faintest chance...but luck is on his side.

【山上 Hla Huy】
導演 Director:連智凱、黃郁芳 Lien Chih-kai and Huang Yu-fang
長度 Duration:27 min│台灣 Taiwan
Hla Huy是泰雅語山上的意思。小龍有三種在主流社會中不利的身份:原住民、孤兒、有前科。父母過世後,小龍在福山上的童年生活並不愉快,下山之後有一段時間以幫派和監獄為家。當他決定學好回到山上,卻發現原本住的家沒了,而身上的刺青,也讓他在找工作時充滿阻礙。小龍有一個平地女友小雨,兩人會因為不穩定的工作爭執。他喜歡到山上打獵抓魚,那是原住民的傳統,但他卻沒有辦法一直留在山上...

Hla Huy means "on the mountain" in the Atayanl language. This film is a glimpse of the turbulent life of Xiaolong, who has three strikes against him in mainstream society: he is aboriginal, he is an orphan, and he has a criminal record. After a series of stints with gangs and prison, Xiaolong decides to finish school and return to the mountains, only to find his original home gone. He wishes most of all to be able to hunt, as is tradition for his people, but "reality" doesn't allow him to stay in the mountains.

Huang Yu-fang graduated with a degree in Radio and Television broadcasting, and intends to pursue further studies in anthropology. Lien Chih-kai also graduated from Radio and television department and is preparing to enter the ROC army.

映後討論 Discussion:連智凱、黃郁芳 Lien Chih-kai and Huang Yu-fang
【風在呢喃 The Wind Whisper】
導演 Direcotr:Elle Sofe Henriksen│挪威 Norway
長度 Duration:10 min│挪威 Norway

An exciting dance movie, moving you through the development of the Sami pepole.

【彩虹的故事 The Stories of Rainbow】
導演 Director:比令亞布 Pilin Yapu│泰雅 Atayanl
長度 Duration:39 min

The Atayanl say that after a person dies, they ascend to heaven through a rainbow. The facial tattoos worn by the Atayanl are intended to be marks by which they are recognized after death, to ensure they reach the rainbow. This film looks at daily lives of the elderly Atayanl who bear these facial tattoos. They tell of their stories of deceased relatives, their thoughts of home, and feelings about returning to the rainbow.
Pilin Yapu made his film debut in 1996, focusing on his fellow Atayanl in "Where Have All of Our Lands Gone?" A recipient of numerous awards in Taiwan for film, Pilin has maintained a steady presence on the documentary film circuit and was commissioned by the Council of Cultural Affairs to direct a documentary on the reconstruction efforts after the devasting Chi Chi earthquake of 1999. Pilin, an educator by trade, currently serves the dean of students at an elementary school in Taichung County, and is a founding member of the Atayanl Culture Workshop (now the Northern Tribe Culture Association), for which he received special recognition by the Council for Indigenous Peoples.

映後討論 Discussion:比令亞布 Pilin Yapu
【最後的薩米吟唱 Last Yoik in Saami Forest】
導演 Director: Hannu Hyvonen│芬蘭Finland
長度 Duration:54 min

This film highlights a conflict between a Finnish state-owned logging company and activists over the preservation of a forest area, which is the site of reindeer herding for the Sami people living in the area. The starting point of the film is a Greenpeace "forest rescue station", where conflict arises between loggers and Greenpeace activists. Out of the ensuing events, the director constructs a dialog, which never took place in reality.

Director's info please see【The Stories of Rainbow】
【土地到哪裡去了? Where Have All Our Lands Gone?】
導演Director:比令亞布 Pilin Yapu│泰雅 Atayanl
長度 Duration:30 min
小時作者和族老常游走在部落的土地上,族老說:「這些土地是屬於部落的。」但當作者再度回到這片土地時,發現地上插有一面告示牌,上面寫著:「私有土地,不准進入」 讓人為之一震,屬於全部落的土地,何時有了變化?本片紀錄族人對祖靈的祟敬及對土地的尊重,如第一次到祖耕地,族老如此要求和祖靈對話:



In this short piece, the filmmaker recalls his surprise and shock at finding that village land claimed by his tribe had a sign reading, "Private Property, Do No Enter". The film presents his tribe's veneration for ancestral spirits and respect for land, and asks, "how could have our land rights disappeared?"
映後討論 Discussion:比令亞布 Pilin Yapu、馬躍比吼 Mayaw Biho
【馬拉卡照酒 Malakacaway】
導演 Director:馬躍比吼 Mayaw Biho│邦乍 Pangcah
長度 Duration:80 min




This film traces the lives of two Pangcah men, IIlisin and Haiji, from Makutaay Village in Hualien. The two young men embark on a path where they participate in the "Malakacaway", a wine ceremony that involves passing down stories and songs of the tribe. Traditionally, a member of the Makutaay tribe starts to participate in the ceremony at the age of 15, and must reach eight different levels, ascending one level every four years. Director Mayaw Biho follows the journey of these two young men from 1997 to 2006.
Mayaw Biho,Pangcah人,從小在花蓮織羅部落成長,直到高中後才離開,畢業於世新大學電影系,1999年獲亞洲文化基金會贊助前往美國紐約短期進修。大學時期即開始拍攝《我們的名字叫春日》、《如是生活,如是Pangcah》等作品。畢業後,曾拍攝公共電視《原住民新聞雜誌》、《我們的島》、超視《生命告白》等電視紀錄影片,現為獨立製片工作者。

Mayaw Biho studied film production at Shih Hsin University in Taiwan, and also studied documentary filmmaking at NYU on an Asian Cultural Council scholarship. As a Pangcah aboriginal, Mayaw seeks to challenge the way the Taiwanese aboriginal community is portrayed by the mainstream media and so-called "experts on aboriginal issues." While many of his documentary films feature his fellow Pangcah, Mayaw has made films about other Taiwanese indigenous tribes, including the Bunun, Tao, the Saisiat, the Atayanl, and the Tsou. His representative works, such as "As Life, As Pangcah", "Dear Rice Wine, You are Defeated" and "Carry the Paramount of Jade Mountain on My Back", have earned prizes from the Council of Cultural Affairs and Taiwan's Government Information Office.

映後討論 Discussion:馬躍比吼 Mayaw Biho

9.30 [日 Sun]

【薩米之路 Sami Nieida Joik/Sami Daughter Yoik】
導演 Director: Liselotte Wajstedt│瑞典 Sweden
長度 Duration:58 min 瑞典 Sweden

Nieida,女兒」,導演隨著薩米語教學帶重複著。【薩米之路】,片名原意「薩米女兒的吟唱」,是導演Liselotte Wajstedt自傳性的公路電影。故事始於Liselotte血液中的薩米認同不斷鼓動,於是她離開所居大城斯德哥爾摩,開始孤獨的尋根之旅。不同於傳統紀錄片,【薩米之路】影像活潑,並輔以大量動畫與特效,音樂/音效與影像生動搭配。影片也以極自然地方式穿插處理薩米族的權利議題。

Director Liselotte Wajstedt’s documentary is a roadmovie into Sapmi. Armed in a gakti – a traditional Sami costume, and with a summer’s course in the lingo she is determined to take her place among the people she belongs to.

1973年生於瑞典。Liselotte Wajstedt曾於多所學校學習繪畫、動畫和實驗影片製作,並鑽研紀錄片敘事與劇本寫作,現為專職影像工作者。
Born 1973 in Kiruna, Sweden. Liselotte Wajstedt now works fulltime as a filmmaker in cooperation with LittleBig Productions. Behind her she has an education in painting and arts from different schools in Sweden, as well as animation and experimental filmmaking with special emphasis on documentary storytelling and scriptwriting.

映後討論 Discussion:簡義明



Director's info please see【Malakacaway】
【部落地圖:阿里山‧鄒 Tsou】
導演Director:馬躍比吼 Mayaw Biho│邦乍 Pangcah
長度 Duration:50 min



Based on tribal maps, the Tsou of A-li Mountain (Alishan) make plans to assert their claim over land stretching from Patukuonu (Jade Mountain/Yushan) to the coastal areas of Tainan. Republic of China, Taiwan, whichever you call yourselves -- are you ready?

映後討論 Discussion:馬躍比吼 Mayaw Biho

【希·雅布書卡嫩─沒有飯吃的人 Siyabosokanen】
導演 Director:張淑蘭 Siyabosokanen│達悟 Tao
長度 Duration:50 min


The films looks at how Orchid Islanders face old age, sickness, and death. Of this piece, filmmaker Siyabosokanen said, "I am a nurse on Orchid Island. In recent years I have tried to get a feel for how people here face aging, sickness and death. I came to discovered that their beliefs were quite different than the concepts I learned from western medical care. I slowly began to experience for myself a completely different, complex culture I was unfamiliar with."


映後討論 Discussion:張淑蘭 Siyabosokanen
【比自己重要 Greater than Ourselves】
導演 Director:Anita Lervoll│挪威 Norway
長度 Duration:35min

2003年的挪威【海岸風暴音樂節】招集了近三百名義工投入支援。這些累積多年經驗的音樂節義工,有的捨下工作或學業,有的將小孩託給臨時成立的「Riddu Riddu托兒所」,專心在各自的崗位上忙碌。為何這些義工願意付出這麼多時間來支援這個活動?他們在組織這個活動的過程中,又遭遇到什麼樣的矛盾與問題?這部影片紀錄了這個發生於北挪威海岸,海岸薩米人的認同運動。本片曾於2004年流浪之歌音樂節放映,反應熱烈,今年搭配薩米議題重映。

Riddu Riddu is an indigenous people's music festival that takes place in Gaivuotna, Northern Norway. Filmed in the summer of 2003, "Greater than Ourselves" focuses on the people behind the festival, exploring their reasons for spending such a great amount of time and energy on their work as volunteers for this festival. Viewers will come away with a glimpse of Riddu Riddu's history, as well the history of the Coastal Sami people of Norway.

【夏日音樂風暴 Riddu Riddu, Festival Summer】
導演 Director:Kare Johannes Inderberg and Ida Bettvik│挪威 Norway
長度 Duration:28 min

Riddu Riddu是挪威北方海岸的地形氣候:海岸風暴。這個以「海岸風暴」為名的音樂節慶,已經在挪威北方海岸的曼德藍村(Mandelan)延續了十六年。自1991年始,由三位19歲的年輕人大膽展開一場以文化、音樂、手工藝、母語為基礎的民族運動。每到夏天,曼德藍小村聚集了來自世界各地的原住民與少數民族樂人,透過音樂、影像、演講、服飾等確認自己的身分與認同。此片是挪威廣播電視公司作的記錄,訪問了曾參與2004年流浪之歌音樂節的回聲(Vajas)、與參與今年音樂節的水之聲(WAI),以及音樂節主席Camilla Bratland。

A profile of the Riddu Riddu Festival, a music and arts festival in Norway that celebrates indigenous cultures. Originally started by the Sami people on the northern coast of Norway, the festival has grown to become an international event, with indigenous groups from all over the world gathering to perform and engage in exchanges, all under the permanent summer daylight of the Norway's Arctic Tundra.

映後討論 Discussion:鍾適芳 Chung Shefong
【回歸故土之夢 The Dream of Returning Ancestral Land 】
導演 Director:簡史朗 TIAN(邵族名), Jean Shih-Lang│邵 Thao
長度 Duration:47 min


The Thao are from the Sun Moon Lake area in Central Taiwan. This film documents the efforts of the Thao to rebuild their community in the aftermath of the devastating Chi Chi Earthquake of 1999. The effects of the earthquake are felt still felt sharply, as the Thao population has dwindled in number to approximately 500. The film highlights issues faced by the Thao today, particularly the disproportionate loss of land and property, and their struggle to maintain their language and customs.


映後討論 Discussion:鄭空空

( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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