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2010/10/23 22:22:33瀏覽2207|回應5|推薦7

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What we're witnessing in Europe
2010/11/26 17:30
is a failure of austerity as a means of combating deficits and bond market anxiety.

What could go wrong? Everything. When a country slashes spending and raises taxes at a time of already-weak growth, it tends to reduce domestic demand. Austerity programs are prodding Greek, Irish and Spanish citizens to spend and invest less. That leads to fewer tax collections and more problem loans. Worse, the austerity-enacting European countries lack the ability to reduce the value of their common currency. The upshot: foreign demand for Greek, Irish and Spanish goods and services won't rise sharply because the Euro hasn't weakened significantly. (Greece didn't get any cheaper for U.S. tourists last summer because the Euro remained buoyant against the dollar). Austerity without a flexible currency and a stimulative monetary policy is a recipe for contraction.

This is not a trick question: Ireland and Greece's policy of huge wage cuts, public layoffs and tax increases will make it: (a) more likely that Irish and Greek mortgage holders will stay current; or (b) less likely that Irish and Greek mortgage holders will stay current? The answer, of course, is (b). And when defaults rise, lenders start to freak out, interest rates rise and the powers that be call for another round of austerity. Wash, rinse, repeat. Which is why Ireland on Wednesday unveiled another austerity plan and an expensive bailout -- just months after stress tests gave many large Irish banks a clean bill of health.

阿卡迪亞斯基(martinique) 於 2010-12-23 22:32 回覆:
Sorry dude.. but all BS.

摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
What we're witnessing in Europe,
2010/11/26 17:24
Bold prediction: this round of austerity measures will work about as well as the prior rounds did. Meanwhile, the austerity meme is spreading to Portugal and Spain, who, like Ireland and Greece, are tethered to the tough-to-devalue Euro. And it's spreading to the U.K., which is trying to get ahead of bond market problems by enacting its own austerity program.

-, On Wednesday November 24, 2010, 5:04 pm EST

摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
與現實 (事實 ? Fact ?) 不符 ? 自欺欺人?
2010/10/25 23:46
美國債 是197x 石油危機時的 14 ? 倍,但當年利息是現今的14 ? 倍!

道理說穿了,很簡單,次貸危機,經濟不景氣,失業率新高,多數人沒錢,貨物誰買 ? 沒人買得起,怎麼漲價 ? (Inflation)  和政府拼命印鈔票,國債膨脹,風馬牛不相及 ?


阿卡迪亞斯基(martinique) 於 2010-10-29 01:03 回覆:


摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
所言與事實不符 ?
2010/10/24 19:46
Uncle Sam 印空頭鈔票,行之有年。

Ronald Reagan 時,欠不過一兆,

現在 Obama欠超過十三兆,

而 housing 的問題是 deflation ! 而非 inflation !!!

所言 Can not hold water ?


阿卡迪亞斯基(martinique) 於 2010-10-29 01:04 回覆:

摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
2010/10/24 19:35

阿卡迪亞斯基(martinique) 於 2010-10-29 16:49 回覆:
KEY to stimulate ecomony is to encourage productivity. Introducing more free cash will do exactly the opposite. It will eventually spoil people and hurt economy. I appreciate your opinion but it will never work.