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楞嚴經白話英文句解彙整 卷一 七處徵心3 執心潛眼根
2016/03/24 22:36:05瀏覽443|回應0|推薦2



阿難白佛言。阿難對如來說:Ananda said to the Buddha,

世尊。如佛所言。就像如來說的,“World Honored One, it is as the Buddha has said,

不見內故。由於不能知內的緣故,since I cannot see inside,

不居身內。所以說心不居於身內。my mind does not reside in the body.

身心相知。又由於身與心相互認知 Since my body and mind have a common awareness,

不相離故。即能夠相互間不分離的緣故,they are not separate

不在身外。所以又說心不在身外。and so my mind does not dwell outside my body.

我今思惟。現在我想,As I now consider it,

知在一處。識知之心是在某個地方。I know it is in a certain place.”

佛言。處今何在。如來說:在什麼地方?The Buddha said, “Now where is it?”

阿難言。此了知心。阿難說:這種能知之心,Ananda said, “Since the mind which knows and understands

既不知內。即使不能識知內部的事物,does not perceive what is inside

而能見外。但是卻能看見外部事物,but can see outside,

如我思忖。潛伏根裏。那麼,我想這識知之心就像是潛伏在眼根裡般。 upon reflection I believe it is concealed in the organ of vision.

猶如有人。取琉璃碗。合其兩眼。這好比有人拿水晶碗蓋在眼上,”For example, when someone places crystal bowls over his eyes,

雖有物合。而不留礙。雖然遮住了雙眼,但卻不妨礙眼看見東西一樣,the bowls cover his eyes but do not obstruct his vision.

彼根隨見。隨即分別。識知之心從深根裡生出。見隨即顯現,這個見隨即也就能分別識知事物,這就是說,眼睛看見什麼東西,心就能夠辨別。The organ of vision is thus able to see, and discriminations are made accordingly.

然我覺了能知之心。不見內者。為在根故。所以我認為,識知之心所以不能識知內,是因為它在深藏的眼根裡的緣故,”And so my mind which knows, understands, and is aware does not see within because it resides in the organ.

分明矚外。無障礙者。潛根內故。識知之心能夠識知外物而無障礙遮蓋。這也是它潛藏在眼根裡的緣故。It can gaze outside clearly, without obstruction for the same reason: it is concealed in the organ.

佛告阿難。如汝所言。潛根內者。猶如琉璃。如來告訴阿難:如你所說,識知之心藏在眼根裡,就像水晶碗蓋著一樣。The Buddha said to Ananda, “Assuming that it is concealed in the organ, as you assert in your analogy of the crystals:

彼人當以琉璃籠眼。當見山河。見琉璃不。當人們用水晶蓋在眼前時,就應當看到河流山川,但是,能看得到水晶嗎?if someone were to cover his eyes with the crystals and look at the mountains and rivers, would he see the crystals as well?”

如是。世尊。是人當以琉璃籠眼。實見琉璃。阿難說:世尊,當人們用水晶遮在眼前時,實際看到的是水晶。”Yes, World Honored One, if a person were to cover his eyes with the crystals, he would in fact see the crystals.”

佛告阿難。汝心若同琉璃合。如來告訴阿難:.當你的識知之心與玻璃同在一處,The Buddha said to Ananda, “If your mind is analogous to the eyes covered with crystals,

者當見山河。何不見眼。只看到河山,為什麼看不到眼睛呢?then when you see the mountains and rivers, why dont you see your eyes?

若見眼者。眼即同境。不得成隨。如果看到眼睛,眼睛即同眼前景像在一起,眼睛就是眼前的景像,這時,怎麼能夠看見東西就能夠分辨出來呢?”If you could see your eyes, your eyes would be part of the external environment.

若不能見。云何說言此了知心。潛在根內。如琉璃合。如果不能看到眼睛,為什麼說這識知之心是潛藏在眼根裡,與玻璃蓋在眼前是一樣的情形呢?If you cannot see them, why did you say that the mind which understands, knows, and is aware is concealed in the organ of vision as eyes are covered by crystals?

是故應知。汝言覺了能知之心。潛伏根裏。如琉璃合。無有是處。所以,你說識知之心潛伏在眼根裡,與玻璃蓋在眼前一樣,是不對的。“Therefore you should know that you state the impossible when you say that the mind which knows, understands, and is aware is concealed in the organ of vision in the way that the eyes are covered by crystals.”




烏萇國沙門彌伽釋迦 譯語

北京社科院宗教研究所  編譯

City of 10,000 Buddhas - The Shurangama Sutra

楞嚴經》經文(含科判‧PDF - 法界佛教總會

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