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大佛頂首楞嚴經卷一 [六種證信序] 如是我聞。這部經是我親自聽佛陀宣講的。Thus I have heard. 一時佛在室羅筏城。祇桓精舍。那時,世尊在舍衛國的衹園精舍,At one time the Buddha dwelt at the city of Shravasti in the sublime abode of the Jeta Grove. 與大比丘眾。千二百五十人俱。與大比丘等一千二百五十名僧人在一起。With a gathering of great bhikshus, twelve hundred fifty in all. 皆是無漏大阿羅漢。這當中,有些是成就了無漏智的大阿羅漢,All were great Arhats without outflows, 佛子住持。有些是具備了佛智而住在世間以宏揚佛法的菩薩。disciples of the Buddha, dwellers and maintainers. 善超諸有。他們都以佛智慧超越了種種有為事物的束縛,They had fully transcended all existence, 能於國土。從而能夠在俗世界 and were able to travel everywhere, 成就威儀。施行佛的威德儀律,and to accomplish the awesome deportment. 從佛轉輪。紹繼佛法以摧破世人煩惱,They followed the Buddha in turning the wheel 妙堪遺囑。將如來遺訓發揚光大。and were wonderfully worthy of the bequest. 嚴淨毗尼。他們淨化精嚴佛化人生, Stern and pure in the Vinaya, 弘範三界。將佛的威德律儀推廣於凡人生死來往的世界。 they were great exemplars in the three realms. 應身無量。他們在世間,以無數量的化身顯現佛的智慧,Their limitless response-bodies 度脫眾生。引導世間生靈脫離生死輪迴,took living beings across and liberated them, 拔濟未來。將現在與未來的眾生從輪迴苦海的壓迫之中拯救出來,pulling out and rescuing those of the future 越諸塵累。從而超越世間有為事物的種種壓迫累贅。 so they could transcend all the bonds of dust. 其名曰。他們的名字是:The names of the leaders were: 大智舍利弗。摩訶目犍連。摩訶拘絺羅。富樓那彌多羅尼子。須菩提。優波尼沙陀等。大智舍利弗、摩訶目犍連、摩訶拘絺羅、富樓那彌多羅尼子、須菩提、優波尼沙陀等人,the greatly wise Shariputra, Mahamaudgalyayana, Mahakaushthila, Purnamaitreyaniputra, Subhuti, Upanishad, and others. 而為上首。他們全都是如來佛的上首弟子。 復有無量辟支無學。另外,還有無數的辟支、無學等,初入聖道的修行者,Moreover limitless Pratyekas who were beyond learning 并其初心。以及一些初發心願的修行者,and those with initial resolve 同來佛所。一同來到如來這裡, came to where the Buddha was to 屬諸比丘休夏自恣。與各位比丘一道坐禪修學,一齊參與修行後的考察和檢省。join the bhikshus’ Pravarana at the close of the summer retreat. 十方菩薩咨決心疑。來自十方世界的菩薩們,為了絕斷心中最後的疑惑,Bodhisattvas from the ten directions who desired counsel in order to resolve the doubts in their minds 欽奉慈嚴將求密義。也同來恭請如來為眾生宣示佛法的奧義。were respectful and obedient to the Awesome but Compassionate One as they prepared to seek the Secret Meaning. 即時如來敷座宴安。這時候,如來上座已畢,Then the Tathagata arranged his seat, sat quietly and peacefully, 為諸會中。宣示深奧。就為法會中大眾宣講了佛法的深奧密義。 and for the sake of everyone in the assembly proclaimed the profound and mysterious. 法筵清眾。得未曾有。一時間法會大眾都得到了前所未有的啟發,Those in the pure assembly at the banquet of Dharma obtained what they had never obtained before. 迦陵仙音。和美法音響起,The Immortal’s kalavinka-sound 遍十方界。傳遍十方諸天各界。 pervaded the ten directions 恒沙菩薩。來聚道場。數不清的菩薩都聚會到了如來這裡,and Bodhisattvas as numerous as the sands of the Ganges gathered at the Bodhimanda 文殊師利而為上首。文殊師利菩薩則是他們當中為上首的一位。 with Manjushri as their leader. 資料來源: 大佛頂首楞嚴經白話(上)唐天竺沙門般剌密帝 譯 烏萇國沙門彌伽釋迦 譯語 北京社科院宗教研究所 編譯 City of 10,000 Buddhas - The Shurangama Sutra楞嚴經》經文(含科判‧PDF - 法界佛教總會 |
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |