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楞嚴經白話英文句解彙整 卷一 七處徵心1 執心在身內
2016/03/18 00:06:27瀏覽789|回應0|推薦1



[1阿難引十生同計在內 ]

阿難白佛言。世尊。阿難對如來說:世尊啊!Ananda said to the Buddha, “World Honored One,

一切世間十種異生。全世界中的芸芸眾生,all the ten kinds of living beings in the world alike

同將識心居在身內。都將能夠識知外界事物的心居留在身體以內, maintain that the conscious mind dwells within the body;

縱觀如來青蓮華眼。亦在佛面。即使是如來的青蓮華眼,也是長在臉上。 and as I regard the Tathagata’s blue lotus-flower eyes, they too are on the Buddha’s face.

我今觀此浮根四塵。祇在我面。而這些虛浮不實的眼、耳、鼻、舌等器官,只是長在我的臉面,”I now observe that these prominent organs, four kinds of defiling objects, are on my face,

如是識心。實居身內。但是能知能識的心卻是隱藏在身體內部的。and so, too, my conscious mind actually is within my body.”




[1定境內外 ]

佛告阿難。汝今現坐如來講堂。如來又對阿難說:你現在正坐在如來佛的講堂上,The Buddha said to Ananda, “You are now sitting in the Tathagata’s lecture hall

觀祇陀林今何所在。你看看衹陀樹林現在在哪裡?looking at the Jeta Grove. Where is it at present?”

世尊。此大重閣清淨講堂。在給孤園。阿難回答:世尊,這些重閣疊樓的清淨講堂,就在這衹園裡,”World Honored One, this great many-storied pure lecture hall is in the Garden of the Benefactor of the Solitary.

今祇陀林實在堂外。那衹陀樹林就在講堂的外邊。 At present the Jeta Grove is in fact outside the hall.”


[2定見次第 ]

阿難。汝今堂中先何所見。如來說:阿難啊!你在這講堂之中,先看見什麼呢?”Ananda, as you are now in the hall, what do you see first?”

世尊。我在堂中先見如來。阿難回笞:世尊,我在講堂裡是先看到如來,”World Honored One, here in the hall I first see the Tathagata,

次觀大眾。如是外望。方矚林園。然後看到大眾,再往外看去,才看見那些林園。next I see the great assembly, and from there, as I gaze outward, I see the grove and garden.”


[3遠見之由 ]

”Ananda, why it is you are able to see the grove and the garden as you look at them?”

世尊。此大講堂。戶牖開豁。阿難回答:這大講堂,門窗寬闊,四方洞開,”World Honored One, since the doors and windows of this great lecture hall have been thrown open wide,

故我在堂得遠瞻見。所以我在講堂內能夠看見那些樹林。I can be in the hall and see into the distance.”


 [2即例反難 ]

佛告阿難。如汝所言。如來對阿難說:就像你所說那樣, The Buddha said to Ananda, “It is as you say.

身在講堂。戶牖開豁。遠矚林園。你在講堂內,因門窗洞開而能看到遠處的林園,When one is in the lecture hall and the doors and windows are open wide, one can see far into the garden and grove.

亦有眾生在此堂中。不見如來。見堂外者。但是也有眾生在講堂上看不到如來,只能看見講堂外的東西。Could there be someone in the hall who does not see the Tathagata and yet sees outside the hall?”

阿難答言。世尊。阿難回答:世尊啊!Ananda answered: “World Honored One,

在堂不見如來。能見林泉。無有是處。在講堂內看不到如來,只看到外面的林園泉水,這不可能。 to be in the hall and not see the Tathagata, and yet see the grove and fountains is impossible.”

阿難。汝亦如是。如來說:阿難,你也是這樣的。”Ananda, you are like that too.

[3就例攻破 ]

汝之心靈一切明了。你的心本來有靈性,是透澈明淨的。“Your mind is capable of understanding everything thoroughly.

若汝現前所明了心實在身內。如果你眼前現示出來能明白一切事物的心,其實就在你身軀之內,Now if your present mind, which thoroughly understands everything, were in your body,

爾時先合了知內身。那麼,這時就應先透澈知道身軀的內部。then you should be aware first of what is inside your body.

頗有眾生。先見身中。後觀外物。但是,很多處在生死輪轉之中的眾生,是先去看身軀裡面,然後才去觀察外部事物,Can there be living beings who first see inside their bodies before they observe things outside?

縱不能見心肝脾胃。既使如此,也看不到身軀內的心肝脾胃,”Even if you cannot see your heart, liver, spleen, and stomach,

爪生髮長。筋轉脈搖。看不到指甲毛髮在生長,更看不到筋骨血脈的運動流淌。still, the growing of your nails and hair, the twist of your sinews, and the throb of your pulse should be clearly understood.

誠合明了。如何不知。真正的透徹明淨能明白一切之心為什麼不能識知到這些呢?Why don’t you perceive these things?

必不內知。云何知外。一定是他不能知內,那還談什麼知外呢?If you cannot perceive what is inside at all, how can you perceive what is outside?


是故應知。汝言覺了能知之心。住在身內無有是處。所以應當知道,你所說覺悟靈明的心,原是駐在身軀之內,這是不對的。”Therefore you should know that you state the impossible when you say that the aware and knowing mind is in the body.”




烏萇國沙門彌伽釋迦 譯語

北京社科院宗教研究所  編譯

City of 10,000 Buddhas - The Shurangama Sutra

楞嚴經》經文(含科判‧PDF - 法界佛教總會

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