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楞嚴經白話英文句解彙整 卷一 示墮發起序
2016/03/16 17:17:46瀏覽410|回應0|推薦1



時波斯匿王。那時,有波斯匿王,Then King Prasenajit,

為其父王諱日營齋。請佛宮掖。因為其父的諱日而設齋筵禮諸佛的護佑。for the sake of his father, the late king, arranged on the day of mourning a vegetarian feast and invited the Buddha to the side rooms of the palace.

自迎如來。廣設珍羞無上妙味。兼復親延諸大菩薩。他在自己的宮廷迎候如來,以及各位菩薩,齋筵上擺滿了美味珍肴。He welcomed the Tathagata in person with a vast array of superb delicacies of unsurpassed wonderful flavors and himself invited the great Bodhisattvas.


城中復有長者居士同時飯僧。城裡又有其他長者、居士們,同時也在設齋筵禮諸僧人,In the city were also elders and laypeople who were also prepared to feed the Sangha at the same time,

佇佛來應。他們也期待如來能夠光臨。 and they stood waiting for the Buddha to come and receive offerings.

佛敕大殊。分領菩薩及阿羅漢。應諸齋主。如來就讓文殊菩薩帶領各位菩薩和阿羅漢去赴齋主們的筵請。The Buddha commanded Manjushri to assign the Bodhisattvas and Arhats to receive offerings from the various vegetarian hosts.

唯有阿難。先受別請。遠遊未還。不遑僧次。只有如來的弟子阿難,先已接受別處的侍奉,遠遊未歸。Only Ananda, who, having accepted a special invitation earlier, had traveled far and had not yet returned, was late for the apportioning of the Sangha.

既無上座。及阿闍黎。既然沒有德高望重的比丘和軌範師一起受請,他也就在施主家接受最高的供奉,接受導師的稱號了。No senior-seated one or Acharya was with him,

途中獨歸。此時阿難正一人在返回的途中,so he was returning alone on the road.

其日無供。這一天他沒有得到供奉,On that day he had received no offerings,

即時阿難。執持應器。於所遊城。次第循乞。他就手持食缽,在他駐足的城中沿街乞食。and so at the appropriate time Ananda took up his begging bowl and, as he traveled through the city, begged in successive order.

心中初求最後檀越。以為齋主。阿難在心裡計劃,待乞到最後一家施主時,就在那家接受供奉,As he first began to beg, he thought to himself that down to the very last danapati who would be his vegetarian host

無問淨穢。不管那家是否乾淨,he would not question whether they were clean or unclean;

剎利尊姓。及旃陀羅。也不論那家是尊貴之姓還是卑賤之姓,whether they were ksatriyas of honorable name or chandalas.

方行等慈。不擇微賤。他都將施行同等的慈悲關懷予人,While practicing equality and compassion he would not merely select the lowly

發意圓成。一切眾生。無量功德。都將起意去成就一切眾生的佛性智慧,成就眾生們的無上的功德。but was determined to perfect all living beings. limitless merit and virtue.

阿難已知如來世尊。訶須菩提。及大迦葉。此時阿難已經知道如來世尊訶責須菩提和大迦葉,Ananda already knew that the Tathagata, the World Honored One, had admonished Subhuti and great Kashyapa

為阿羅漢。心不均平。批評他們成就了阿羅漢果位,但是仍然不能以平等心對待眾生, for being Arhats whose hearts were not fair and equal,

欽仰如來。開闡無遮。他期仰著如來能為他們闡說開示佛的寬容平等的智慧, and he regarded with respect the Tathagata’s instructions on impartiality,

度諸疑謗。以引導他們能解脫迷惑怨忿的煩惱。to save everyone from doubt and slander.

經彼城隍。徐步郭門。此時阿難正走過城樓,慢慢向街上走去。Having crossed the city moat, he walked slowly through the outer gates,

嚴整威儀。肅恭齋法。他儀容莊重嚴慧,恭敬肅穆地按行齋的律儀乞食。his manner stern and proper as he honored with propriety the method of obtaining food.

爾時阿難。因乞食次。經歷媱室。就在他乞食到一處淫逸的住所時,At that time, because Ananda was begging in sequential order, he passed by a house of prostitution

遭大幻術。他遭遇大魔法,and was waylaid by a powerful artifice.

摩登伽女。以娑毗迦羅先梵天咒。攝入媱席。一名叫摩登伽的女子使用婆毗迦羅先梵天咒,將阿難捉按到了淫床之上,By means of a mantra of the Kapila religion, formerly of the Brahma Heaven, the daughter of Matangi drew him onto an impure mat.

媱躬撫摩。將毀戒體。並施予淫行,即將毀壞阿難的持戒之體。With her licentious body she stroked and rubbed him until he was on the verge of destroying the precept-substance.


如來知彼媱術所加。如來已知道阿難遭了摩登伽的魔法,The Tathagata, knowing Ananda was being taken advantage of by the indecent artifice,

齋畢旋歸。於是離筵歸來,finished the meal and immediately began his return journey.

王及大臣長者居士。俱來隨佛。波斯匿王各大臣、長者居士們,也都跟隨而來,The king, great officials, elders, and laypeople followed along after the Buddha,

願聞法要。期待著聆聽佛法要義。desiring to hear the essentials of Dharma.

於時世尊。頂放百寶無畏光明。這時候,如來頭頂上放射出百寶無畏大光明,Then the World Honored One emitted a hundred rays of jeweled and fearless light from his crown.

光中出生千葉寶蓮。光芒之中生出千葉寶蓮花,Within the light appeared a thousand-petalled precious lotus,

有佛化身。結跏趺坐。蓮中有一佛作跏趺坐,upon which was seated a transformation-body Buddha in full-lotus posture,

宣說神咒。宣說神咒。proclaiming a spiritual mantra.

敕文殊師利將咒往護。並命文殊菩薩持此咒去護衛阿難。He commanded Manjushri to take the mantra and go provide protection,

惡咒消滅。一時之間,摩登伽女的魔咒被滅,and, when the evil mantra was extinguished,

提獎阿難。及摩登伽。歸來佛所。阿難和摩登伽女都被帶到了如來這裡。to lend support, and to encourage Ananda and Matangi’s daughter to return to where the Buddha was.




烏萇國沙門彌伽釋迦 譯語

北京社科院宗教研究所  編譯

City of 10,000 Buddhas - The Shurangama Sutra

楞嚴經》經文(含科判‧PDF - 法界佛教總會

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