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楞嚴經白話英文句解彙整 卷一 A2正宗分
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阿難見佛。頂禮悲泣。阿難見到如來,行禮佛足,悲泣起來。Ananda saw the Buddha, bowed, and wept sorrowfully,

恨無始來。一向多聞。他悔恨自已,久遠以來一向以「多聞」稱名於世,regretting that from time without beginning he had been preoccupied with erudition

未全道力。然而並未成就圓滿的道行。 and had not yet perfected his strength in the Way.

殷勤啟請。十方如來得成菩提。妙奢摩他。三摩。禪那。最初方便。阿難懇請十方如來佛,助成他獲至無上智慧,獲至無上止寂禪定,獲至無上正定正覺的修習功夫,以及最為直接的成道法門。He respectfully and repeatedly requested an explanation of the very first expedients of the wonderful shamatha, samapatti, and dhyana, by means of which the Tathagatas of the ten directions had realized Bodhi.

於時復有恒沙菩薩。及諸十方大阿羅漢。辟支佛等。當時又有數不清的菩薩,以及十方世界大阿羅漢、緣覺、聲聞等,At that time Bodhisattvas as numerous as the sands of the Ganges, great Arhats, pratyekas, and others from the ten directions, were also present.

俱願樂聞。退坐默然。承受聖旨。都願現聆教誨,他們退回自己的座位,領受著佛的至高要義。Pleased at the opportunity to listen, they withdrew silently to their seats to receive the sagely instruction.


 [1示佛定總名令知諸佛修因剋果 ]

爾時世尊。在大眾中。這時候,如來佛就在大眾之中 In the midst of the great assembly,

舒金色臂。摩阿難頂。伸展出金色手臂,撫摩阿難頭頂,the World Honored One then extended his golden arm, rubbed Ananda’s crown,

告示阿難及諸大眾。同時開示阿難和諸位大眾:and said to Ananda and the great assembly,

有三摩提。名大佛頂首楞嚴王。有一個心念止定無散亂無差別的無上境界,其名叫做大佛頂首楞嚴王,There is a samadhi called the King of the Foremost Shurangama at the Great Buddha’s Summit

具足萬行。達此境界具備了萬千法行,“ Replete with the Myriad Practices;

十方如來一門超出妙莊嚴路。諸天十方的如來佛,都由此而歸到佛的大道上來,最後成就了無上的佛果,it is a path wonderfully adorned and the single door through which the Tathagatas of the ten directions gained transcendence.

汝今諦聽。你們仔細聽罷。You should now listen attentively.”

阿難頂禮。伏受慈旨。此時阿難行禮伏拜,領受如來的教誨。Ananda bowed down to receive the compassionate instruction humbly.


[1但取能發之心 ]

佛告阿難。如來對阿難說,The Buddha said to Ananda,

汝我同氣。情均天倫。你與我情誼深厚,我們倆有兄弟般的情份,“You and I are of the same family and share the affection of a natural relationship.

當初發心。你在發心求無上智慧之時,At the time of your initial resolve,

於我法中。見何勝相。在我的佛法現示之中,見到了什麼美妙景像,what were the outstanding characteristics which you saw in my Dharma

頓捨世間深重恩愛。能使你當下捨棄世間的深重恩愛? that caused you to suddenly cast aside the deep kindness and love found in the world?”

阿難白佛我見如來三十二相。勝妙殊絕。阿難告訴如來,那時我看到如來之身有三十二種無上美妙之相,Ananda said to the Buddha, “I saw the Tathagata’s thirty-two characteristics, which were so supremely wonderful, so incomparable,

形體映徹猶如琉璃。其形體澄澈透明如水晶一般。that his entire body had a shimmering transparence just like that of crystal.

常自思惟。此相非是欲愛所生。我自已思量,這樣的美妙之相一定不是因愛欲而生出的。”I often thought to myself that these characteristics cannot be born of desire and love.

何以故。欲氣麤濁。為什麼呢?因為色欲之氣粗濁不堪,Why? The vapors of desire are coarse and murky.

腥臊交遘。膿血雜亂。腥臭交織,膿血雜亂,From foul and putrid intercourse comes a turbid mixture of pus and blood

不能發生勝淨妙明紫金光聚。不能生出這等明淨無暇聚集光明的形體來。which cannot give off such a magnificent, pure, and brilliant concentration of purple-golden light.

是以渴仰。從佛剃落。我無限期望崇仰,所以跟隨如來出家修行。And so I thirstily gazed upward, followed the Buddha, and let the hair fall from my head.”


[2普判眾生誤認 ]

佛言。善哉阿難。如來說:多好啊,阿難。The Buddha said, “Very good, Ananda.

汝等當知一切眾生。從無始來。生死相續。你們應該知道,一切眾生長久以來,就淪入了生死的相接相續之中, It has been so since time without beginning. You should all know that all living beings are continually born and continually die,

皆由不知常住真心性淨明體。這都是不知道無生無滅不遷不變的真實心的緣故。心的本性是明淨光潔的,simply because they do not know the everlasting true mind, the bright substance of the pure nature.

用諸妄想。此想不真。如用之於種種妄念,則這些妄念皆會顛倒不真實,Instead they engage in false thinking. Their thoughts are not true,

故有輪轉。所以就有眾生在生死煩惱中流轉不停息。 and so the wheel keeps turning.


[1教以直心應徵 ]

汝今欲研無上菩提真發明性。你要是想修習無上智慧,真正地揭示心性的真實。”Now you wish to investigate the unsurpassed Bodhi and actually discover your nature.

應當直心詶我所問。那麼你應當誠實地回答我的問題。You should answer my questions with a straightforward mind,

十方如來同一道故。出離生死。諸天十方的如來佛的修行,都是一樣,能夠脫離生死輪迴,because that is exactly the way the Tathagatas of the ten directions escaped birth and death.

皆以直心。這都是以誠心修行的結果。 Their minds were all straightforward,

心言直故。如是乃至終始地位。心有誠實,口有誠實,自始自終貫穿修行之中,and since their minds and words were consistently that way, from the beginning, through the intermediate stages to the end,

中間永無諸委曲相。那麼你的修行就永遠不會產生種種起伏曲折。they were never in the least evasive.


[2雙徵能見能愛 ]

阿難。我今問汝。當汝發心緣於如來三十二相。阿難,我現在問你,當初你發心求無上智慧,是因為如來三十二種妙相的緣故,”Ananda, I now ask you: at the time of your initial resolve, which arose in response to the Tathagata’s thirty-two characteristics,

將何所見。誰為愛樂。那麼,你是用什麼來看,又是用什麼感到歡喜的呢?what was it that saw those characteristics and who delighted in them?”

阿難白佛言。世尊。阿難告訴如來:世尊,Ananda said to the Buddha, “World Honored One,

如是愛樂。用我心目由目觀見如來勝相。我是用心和眼來感受歡喜的。我的眼看見如來的美妙相,this is the way I experienced the delight: I used my mind and eyes. Because my eyes saw the Tathagata’s outstanding characteristics,

心生愛樂。我的心就生起了歡喜,my mind gave rise to delight.

故我發心。願捨生死。於是我發心求無上智慧,誓願捨生棄死。That is why I became resolved and wished to removed myself from birth and death.”


[3徵詰心目所在 ]

佛告阿難如汝所說。如來又對阿難說:如你所說,The Buddha said to Ananda, “It is as you say,

真所愛樂。因於心目。真歡喜之處在於心和眼, that experience of delight actually occurs because of your mind and eyes.

若不識知心目所在。那麼,如果不知道心和眼在什麼地方,If you do not know where your mind and eyes are,

則不能得降伏塵勞。就不能夠制服俗塵生活中的煩勞。you will not be able to conquer the wearisome dust.

譬如國王。為賊所侵。就好像一個國王,當他遭到了敵人的侵犯,For example, when a king’s country is invaded by thieves

發兵討除。他發兵討伐,and he sends out his troops to suppress and banish them,

是兵要當知賊所在 就應當知道敵人在哪裡才行。the troops must know where the thieves are.

使汝流轉。心目為咎。你之所以仍在生死輪迴中不得解脫,就是受制於眼和心的緣故。”It is the fault of your mind and eyes that you flow and turn.

吾今問汝。唯心與目。今何所在。 我問你,心與眼現在在什麼地方?  I am now asking you specifically about your mind and eyes: where are they now?”




烏萇國沙門彌伽釋迦 譯語

北京社科院宗教研究所  編譯

City of 10,000 Buddhas - The Shurangama Sutra

楞嚴經》經文(含科判‧PDF - 法界佛教總會

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