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大佛頂首楞嚴經卷一 [(七處徵心2)M2執心在身外] 阿難稽首而白佛言。此時阿難行禮叩首,並對如來說:Ananda bowed his head and said to the Buddha, 我聞如來如是法音。我聆聽了如來宣示的佛法,“Upon hearing such a Dharma-sound as the Tathagata has proclaimed, 悟知我心實居身外。頓時覺悟了我的心,其實是駐在身外的,I realize that my mind is actually outside my body. 所以者何。為什麼呢?”Why? 譬如燈光然於室中。就像燈光那樣,燈點亮在室中,For example, a lamp alight in a room 是燈必能先照室內。就應是先照亮室內,will certainly illumine the inside of the room first, 從其室門。接著才照亮門戶, and only then will it pour through the doorway 後及庭際。然後才是照亮庭院。 to reach the recesses of the hall. 一切眾生。一切眾生,For all living beings 不見身中。不能識見自身內部,who do not see within their bodies 獨見身外。只能看見自身之外事物,but only see outside them, 亦如燈光。這就像燈光 it is as if the lighted lamp 居在室外。是駐在室外,were placed outside the room, 不能照室。所以不能照亮室內。so that it cannot illumine the room. 是義必明。明白了這點,”This principle is certainly clear: 將無所惑。就不會再有迷惑, it is absolutely beyond all doubt 同佛了義 就能達到與佛的智見一樣,and exactly the Buddha’s entire meaning, 得無妄耶。這大概不會有什麼顛倒妄亂的吧?and so it isn’t wrong is it?”
佛告阿難。如來對阿難說:The Buddha said to Ananda, 是諸比丘。這些比丘們 “All these bhikshus 適來從我室羅筏城。循乞摶食。剛才隨我在城裡乞食行齋,who just followed me to the city of Shravasti to beg in sequence for food and are rolling their food into balls as they eat. 歸祇陀林。現在回到衹園來, have returned to the Jeta Grove 我已宿齋。此時我已吃過了。I have already finished eating, 汝觀比丘。一人食時。諸人飽不。你來看看,一個比丘在吃東西,其他人會不會飽呢? but consider the bhikshus: when one person eats, does everyone get full?” 阿難答言。不也。阿難回答:其他人不會飽。Ananda answered, “No, 世尊。何以故。世尊,這是為什麼呢?World Honored One. Why? 是諸比丘。雖阿羅漢。這些比丘們雖然都已成就阿羅漢的果位,These bhikshus are Arhats, 軀命不同。但是他們各有各的軀體,but their individual lives differ. 云何一人能令眾飽。一人吃飯,其他人怎麼會飽呢? How could one person’s eating cause everyone to be full?” 佛告阿難。如來對阿難說:The Buddha told Ananda, 若汝覺了知見之心。如果像你能夠識知的心,“If your mind which understands, knows, sees and is aware 實在身外。其實是在身外,were actually outside your body, 身心相外。 那麼,身體與心各在一處,your body and mind would be mutually exclusive 自不相干。並不相干,and would have no relationship to one another. 則心所知。身不能覺。心所能識知的東西,身體就不能感覺到,The body would be unaware of what the mind perceives, 覺在身際。心不能知。身體能感覺到的東西,心卻不能識知。and the mind would not perceive the awareness within the body. 我今示汝兜羅綿手。我現在伸手給你,”Now as I show you my tula-cotton hand, 汝眼見時。心分別不。你用眼睛看到它時,你的識知的心能辨別出來嗎?does your mind distinguish it when your eyes see it?” 阿難答言。如是。世尊。阿難回答:是的,世尊。Ananda answered, “So it is, World Honored One.” 佛告阿難。如來告訴阿難:The Buddha told Ananda, 若相知者。如果識知之心能夠辨別出來,可見眼和心是相知相干的,“If the mind and eyes create a common perception, 云何在外。那為什麼又還要說心是在外呢? how then can the mind be outside? 是故應知。所以,你應當知道,”Therefore you should know 汝言覺了能知之心。住在身外。無有是處。你所說能覺能識知的心駐在身外,其實也是不對的。you state the impossible when you say that the mind which knows, understands, and is aware is outside the body.” 資料來源: 大佛頂首楞嚴經白話(上)唐天竺沙門般剌密帝 譯 烏萇國沙門彌伽釋迦 譯語 北京社科院宗教研究所 編譯 City of 10,000 Buddhas - The Shurangama Sutra楞嚴經》經文(含科判‧PDF - 法界佛教總會 |
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