紅豆吐司 |
2009/03/09 10:59 |
Although I do not have bread machine, I follow the principle of the recipe. It is a delicious recipe. I did prepare 2 of Louise' recipes this afternoon. One was already in my family's stomach completely. 紅豆吐司, I am supposed to keep it for breakfast tomorrow; however, I have to admit that after a taste initially, I almost finish 1/3 already. I am look forward of your recipe every week.
露易絲(louisecafe) 於 2009-03-09 12:07 回覆: |
I am very happy that it worked for you and was so successful. You are the best!
more bread machine recipe |
2009/01/31 13:48 |
this is great~! thanks for sharing. I've got my bread machine, never succeeded in anything though... haha, but enjoy your making; the layout and images are taken beautifully, so is the product I believe.
hope you share more bread machine making. btw, can we let it bread machine helps "knead" the dough while making something other than bread such as noodle and else?
露易絲(louisecafe) 於 2009-02-01 11:56 回覆: |
Dear Jane, 謝謝您的細心,看出我的用心。 如果您對我的食譜有興趣,可以做做看,您也可以享受豐收的喜悅。 麵包機是非常方便好用的,我的"自製簡易麵條",您可以將材料: 水、 鹽、蛋(用筷子打散)、麵粉依序放入麵包機裡,插上電按rapid,等到 機器停止,就可拿出麵糰揉圓,放入保鮮盒裏醒麵一個小時以上, 然後拿出麵糰桿平做麵條了。 我會陸陸續續放些麵包機食譜,敬請期待!
re: 紅豆麵包 |
2008/11/23 21:11 |
用麵包機做紅豆麵包 成功!!! 你的部落格真的很棒 我們家妹妹超愛吃的 部落格的食譜看了都流口水 我一定會一個一個試試看 感謝你的用心 我們受惠 加油 希望看到你的新作品 :)
露易絲(louisecafe) 於 2008-12-20 03:12 回覆: |
妳做的紅豆麵包成功,這是我最高興聽到的事,謝謝妳告訴我,讓我有更多的POWER,為每一個下一篇努力。 妳家妹妹愛吃妳做的紅豆麵包,相信妳這做媽的一定超有成就感,而且會越做越起勁,放心吧,只要妳繼續來我的部落閣,一定可以找到妳要的寶藏,到時不是只有妳家妹妹,連老公再忙都要趕回家吃老婆煮的餐,哈哈哈。
確實是難以抗拒 |
2008/10/30 02:04 |
看了妳的成品確實是難以抗拒 可不可以請教妳麵包機品牌和型號 剛到這(加拿大)看到好多不同的牌子 不知道那種好用不敢亂買 謝謝!
露易絲(louisecafe) 於 2009-03-31 09:52 回覆: |
家裡麵包機我是2001年買的,年代已久,這一型號市場上已沒看到在賣了, 不過我相信麵包機製造商,他們改良品質一定越改越好。 希望你早日找到你要的麵包機。
謝謝妳的分享 |
2008/10/13 12:56 |
露易絲(louisecafe) 於 2008-10-14 02:14 回覆: |
哇, 真是好好好好.......... |
2008/10/13 09:15 |
哇, 真是好好好好吃的紅豆土司耶 !!! 還有香香香的芝麻耶 !! 哪裏買的到啊 ??
露易絲(louisecafe) 於 2008-10-13 11:39 回覆: |