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芝麻事: Andrew Wyeth賞析
2020/09/08 00:21:20瀏覽909|回應1|推薦17


Oh No,no、、、不是NS大膽的寫賞析文,沒資格哪!!
是介紹一帖youtube的Wyeth´s World的賞析。


多年前修過一門課: Art Appreciation。大講堂裡,老師用他低沉的嗓音喃喃自語,(讓NS常常在想,一定是台下孺子不可教也,所以只得無知音般的,說予自己聽!!) 補學分,對美術一知半解的NS,既聽不到小聲低喃,在加上咱們以英語為第二語的老中,有英語聽力先天的困難,只能靠幻燈片才知道課程進度到了哪。這門沒教科書,不需做筆記,只有相當抽象syllabus的課程對NS言,真是一大挑戰。不好意思地說,課程結束後,對Art Appreciation這堂課,只剩幾幅精美的幻燈片印象。甚麼古典美術,寫實主義,新寫實主義()、、、區別在哪,只有霧煞煞一詞可形容。
(好在,現今世下凡有疑難雜事,皆可向谷哥大神一拜。正是猶如NS响來所言: Can"t Live without Google!! 下面即是谷歌大神給新寫實美術的一解:)

註: American Regionalism新寫實主義 is an American realist modern art movement that included paintings, murals, lithographs, and illustrations depicting realistic scenes of rural and small-town America primarily in the Midwest.


下面這帖 由BBC 的 Michael Palin主持,對新寫實大師Andrew Wyeth做的研究與訪談,讓我對這幅令人一看印象深刻,也令人相當困惑的名畫Christina"s World,有了原來如此的解惑 (()UDN又把我的所有格的符號吃掉了!!! 我試用雙引號,結果,兩撇就不吃了?!!)。也讓NS對Andrew Wyeth及他的新寫實畫風,有所領悟。是 相當不錯的好影片。


BBC Michael Palin in Wyeth´s World



這裡還有一帖250幅Andrew Wyeth的畫。

Andrew Wyeth: A collection of 250 works






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Sir Norton 魯賓遜,救命!
2020/09/09 16:53

One cannot like fellas like Wyeth too much. His works touch souls, not just awaken. You picked a great one again, Ms. NS.  

Andrew Wyeth said something like: I dream a lot. I do more painting when I'm not painting. It's in the subconscious.  崇拜

nothing special(littlezone) 於 2020-09-10 07:22 回覆:

No doubt, Andrew Wyeth was a great Artist.

Another Wyeth's words "I paint of my life" impressed me the most. How can I not to admire the strength of total engage  on his painting?! 

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Wish I am a rolling Sesme Stone, at least if I am a stong.