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2020/07/22 11:33:43瀏覽1095|回應4|推薦22 | |
7/21/2020 OMG!!!!! 從來沒有! 從來沒有!! 向來是看到有那暫駐白宮的橘面小丑的臉,就轉台;或若是聽到那大放厥詞的醜陋聲音就按下靜音的 不看、不聽,竟然,會把這則小丑最心愛的Fox電視台,youtube摘要,從頭到尾,把它看完;還邊看邊大笑!! 一遍看不過癮,再看一遍!! 哈,哈,哈、、、 Trumpfeld
可憐的Chris Wallace竟然每每必得鱉住嘴角,強忍那欲笑不得的肌肉。令NS大笑的是那聞名的所謂滿分的測驗,前此,讀報看新聞時,心理還在嘀咕是甚麼測驗,能讓當世最可笑小丑這麼驕傲?!! Fox右翼主播群裡(都也是一群無賴、小丑),最值得NS尊敬的Chris Wallace竟然挖出這讓NS猜想的甚麼個測驗!! . 天哪~ 會有比youtube裡的這段對話還好笑的嗎?!! T: Let him (指白登) take the same test that I took. W: Incidentally, I took the test too, when I heard that you passed it. Well, it’s not the hardest test. T: Nobodys done what Ive done. W: Its picture and it says whats that and its an elephant. T: No, no, no, you see, that’s all misrepresentation. T: Yes, the first few questions are easy, but Ill bet you couldnt even answer the last 5 questions. T: Ill bet you couldnt. T: They got very hard, the last 5 questions. W: Well, one of them was count back from 100 by 7. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 試著重打很多遍,一 save起來,撇節點不見了。是版本問題嗎? 上個禮拜微軟又不告而自動更新edge版本,會影響中、英的切換嗎? 所以 只有把失落的撇節號刮在藍色字母之間。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . 得了,得了。 看C.W. 那不敢相信對方低智級的回答,眼珠滴溜地眨呀眨地,以及那倒吸一口氣的表情,值回票價!! 換個角度想,是誰要美國總統做智障測驗? . 哈哈哈!!! .. . . |
( 在地生活|北美 ) |