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新生命觀 批判達爾文的演化論與孟德爾crick遺傳基因理論
2009/01/20 16:06:22瀏覽2001|回應1|推薦2
  • 從啟蒙運動以來 科學改變了人對自己 對生命 對宗教 對上帝的看法  主流科學家及社會大眾已不相信傳統宗教的說法  他們轉而相信科學的世界觀
  • 教科書中兩個主流生物學理論  達爾文的演化論與孟德爾-柯立克 (Crick)的基因遺傳理論一同構成生物學基本典範  形塑著生物學家的思考(孟德爾發現古典遺傳學理論 而華生柯立克 DNA雙螺旋的發現更是本世紀生物學重大成就 )
  • 在二十世紀新達爾文理論與孟德爾-Crick的基因遺傳理論構成了機械論的生命觀的重要支柱   
  • 人類基因組的解碼  曾是科學界熱門話題 被譽為人類最偉大的成就之一  令人吃驚的是      與科學家預期的不同   人類的基因不到3萬個   而非原先預期的10萬個   而最近基因庫 (genome) 的全解,讓人了解到人與所有生物基因庫的基因近似性。跟大猩猩相似性到98.7%,同小老鼠的近似性達到97.5%。在基因水平上,人和動物幾乎沒有甚麼區別  人與其他動物的不同  竟不在於基因組成.  相似的基因 ,為何產生不管體型 行為如此巨大差異的物種 這是對基因決定論的挑戰http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/dp5/lipton.htm註一
  • 基因決定論是錯誤的 而細胞核也並非細胞的大腦所在  細胞的靈魂不在細胞核卻像是在細胞膜中    細胞去掉細胞核仍能活下去  只是不能複製自身   
  • 科學家multer在19世紀就有這種理論  即胚胎發育是由於受精卵的記憶  遺傳是種記憶的現象....
  • sheldrake認為  受精卵被無形的場field包圍   胚胎發育是由於場 也由於基因 
  • 我們從小學到的真理  居然破綻很多



  • Sheldrake的網站http://www.sheldrake.org/homepage.html                                        俗話說龍生龍鳳生鳳老鼠生的兒子會打洞  遺傳是個無比奧秘的生命現象 有些不同種的蜜蜂有不同的舞蹈語言  但他們的下一代的舞蹈語言就跟他們的體型一樣 是上一代的混合    為何行為模式 本能也會遺傳      行為模式 本能也是由基因決定的嗎 ? 基因不是只決定蛋白質中氨基酸的排列順序嗎?   數百年來在胚胎學的研究中遺傳學家在顯微鏡底下 本來認為會在受精卵中發現具體而微的小人 (成年人的縮小版)這種叫做先成論的假設為何失敗  (正如同解剖大腦無法在大腦中發現靈魂)科學家試圖完全由基因說明胚胎發育現象 這是否是種迷思?過去的人認為有無形的生命力主宰胚胎發育的看法是否真的錯誤?


  • 反達爾文的網站  http://www.arn.org/index.html  智慧設計運動(ID)在美國已如火如荼的展開  但是華文世界卻至今沒有重要的的翻譯及網站介紹給中文世界
  • 中文相關的反達爾文的著作   對達爾文理論的懷疑並不是西方世界才有 , 中文世界過去二十年來已有一些相關著作出現   沈瑞良 科學否定進化 : 揭開進化論的疑點與破綻    陳冠學 進化神話
  •  http://wasdarwinwrong.com是個少見的客觀的網站 作者在網上列出了數十本專業的著作並加以評論 其中分類為新達爾文理論  智慧設計論 以及其他理論的作品 讀者會發現西方世界從對達爾文的批判開始已對物種起源 生命起源等課題有如此多新的觀點與反思

     一些智慧設計運動(ID)中有名的 具爭議性的著作

  •         Darwin's Black Box. The biochemical challenge to evolution   byMichael Behe

        達爾文理論認為人的眼睛是由 演化而來  但他不知道的是光有眼睛並不能  視覺不只涉及眼睛還牽涉到大腦中數十種分子相互作用的生化反應。 這些生化反應要如何「演化」而成。如果你看過書中的化學反應 你會發現它複雜的嚇人


  •           Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race      By Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson :                                                                   從人類學角度http://www.mcremo.com/被遺忘的考古學許多從十九世紀以來其實有許多從地下被挖出的化石 手工製品  足印因為不符合人類學家的達爾文典範而被過濾掉了  人類真的是從猿類進化而來的嗎  人類起源真的只有十萬年甚至只有五萬年?還是300萬年甚至更久以前?
  •  青蛙食道變寬就跟   哺乳類女人陰道會變寬  一樣   
  • 註一 

    The ‘central dogma’ of modern orthodox biology is that life is controlled by genes. In The Biology of Belief, cell biologist Bruce Lipton explains how the latest research has shown genetic determinism to be fundamentally flawed, and presents a very readable account of the ‘new biology’. He says that research into the way cells receive and process information shows that a cell’s life is controlled not by its genes but by the physical and energetic environment, which, in the case of humans, includes our thoughts. He writes: ‘The belief that we are frail biochemical machines controlled by genes is giving way to an understanding that we are powerful creators of our lives and the world in which we live’ (p. 17). The ‘new’ biology is an advance on the old one but, as we will see, it still has severe limitations.

    Genetic delusions

        Since the cracking of the genetic code by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953, DNA has assumed an all-powerful status. At first it was thought to be responsible only for our physical characteristics, but then scientists started claiming that our genes control our emotions and behaviour as well. Lipton says that genes are simply molecular blueprints used in the construction of cells, tissues, and organs. But even this goes too far: genes are blueprints for the production of proteins – how proteins assemble themselves into cells, tissues, and organs is not understood.

        Prior to the Human Genome Project, scientists held that one gene was needed to provide the blueprint for each of the over 100,000 different proteins that make up our bodies. Since there are also over 20,000 regulatory genes, the human genome was expected to contain a minimum of 120,000 genes located in the 23 pairs of chromosomes. However, geneticists were shocked to discover that the human genome consists of only about 25,000 genes. More than 80% of the DNA that was thought to be required does not exist! The one-gene, one-protein concept, which was a fundamental tenet of genetic determinism, has therefore had to be consigned to the scrap heap.

        There is not much difference in the total number of genes found in humans and in primitive organisms. The microscopic nematode roundworm known as Caenorhabditis elegans has a body consisting of 969 cells and a simple brain of about 302 cells, yet its genome consists of as many as 24,000 genes. This means that the human body, comprising over 50 trillion cells, contains only 1000 more genes that this lowly worm. The fruit fly has 15,000 genes – 9000 fewer than the more primitive Caenorhabditis worm. Humans have roughly the same number of genes as mice! As geneticist and Nobel Prize winner David Baltimore has said, ‘it is clear that we do not gain our undoubted complexity over worms and plants by using more genes. Understanding what does give us our complexity ... remains a challenge for the future’ (p. 64).


( 知識學習科學百科 )
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2009/08/17 04:04



大風(lin2010) 於 2009-08-17 13:16 回覆:

我最近看的新書細胞學大師Lipton的   the biology of belief 中譯(信念的力量),證實了我的看法,基因沒那麼重要!他說:細胞核不是細胞的大腦,細胞膜才是!

