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About The Year of Reading Proust
2013/10/06 22:40:13瀏覽423|回應0|推薦8

About The Year of Reading Proust

En réalité, chaque lecteur est, quand il lit, le propre lecteur de soi-même. L’ouvrage de l’écrivain n’est qu’une espèce d’instrument optique qu’il offre au lecteur afin de lui permettre de discerner ce que, sans ce livre, il n’eût peut-être pas vu en soi-même. La reconnaissance en soi-même, par le lecteur, de ce que dit le livre est la preuve de la vérité de celui-ci, et vice versa, au moins dans une certaine mesure, la différence entre les deux textes pouvant être souvent imputée non à l’auteur mais au lecteur. (l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47 )
(p.237~238 追憶似水年華 VII 重現的時光 聯經版 1992)


“Parallel Lives”
A brilliant and original memoir of midlife-a writing life, a reading life, a woman's life-by the distinguished author of Parallel Lives

“Too bad I couldn't rate this 0 stars because 1 star in one too many. …She misses the whole meaning of Proust. She and everything she stands for is what he mocks.”

“After a promising opening chapter, this book proved to be a great disappointment, especially after Parallel Lives -- lots of Proustian detail but to very little point.”

For a long time I used to try to read Proust. At first I could not. Like a heavy car with a tiny engine, I charged up the hill again and again only to stall around page 50, somewhere within the exhausting story of young Marcel’s getting to sleep one night in Combray
Once or twice, however, with my foot pressed even harder on the accelerator, I would chug uphill to the story of Uncle Adolphe, between pages 99 and 110. There I stalled again, but for a different reason.

Proust declined my peripheral attention. He wanted, he demanded, he got my best thought, my best energy, the best of my day.

Proust had become as much a way of life as a literary pastime, closer to a religious practice than to the usual discrete encounter with a single work of art. I retreated into my communion with the text as a way of vacationing from daily life, as a Sunday worshipper might put aside routine concerns on entering a church, returning to the way I’d read as a fifteen-year-old, when, since I had no date for New Year’s Eve, to bury my chagrin, to keep from thinking of the fun I was missing, I immersed myself in Gone With the Wind and finished it in one long celebratory night.

然則,我還是無法察覺到普魯斯特究竟影響了敘事者哪些生活?哪些思考模式? 作者透過「閱讀普魯斯特的那一年」究竟想表達什麼?


The Year of Reading Proust: A Memoir in Real Time by Phyllis Rose
Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: Counterpoint; 1st Counterpoint paperback ed edition (December 23, 1999)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1582430551
ISBN-13: 978

brilliant and original memoir of midlife-a writing life, a reading life, a woman's life-by the distinguished author of Parallel Lives

Phyllis Rose, a biographer, essayist, and literary critic, finally got around to reading Proust in middle age. As Rose learned, you don't have to live through an unhappy childhood or celebrity adulthood to write an autobiography. You just need patience, candor, and a close-to-scientific passion for truth. She begins to learn how to navigate the intricacies of Proust's novels, at the same time reflecting on the course of her own life.

With striking honesty, Rose writes about marriage, friendship, childbirth, and her own mortality. As she moves from daily experience to what she's read and back again, she illuminates how the close reading of her own life reveals truths for the rest of us and how such a subtle celebration of books can help us live.

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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