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(p.376 追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992)  

As though the musicians were not nearly so much playing the little phrase as performing the rites on which it insisted before it would consent to appear, as proceeding to utter the incantations necessary to procure, and to prolong for a few moments, the miracle of its apparition, Swann, who was no more able now to see it than if it had belonged to a world of ultra-violet light, who experienced something like the refreshing sense of a metamorphosis in the momentary blindness with which he had been struck as he approached it, Swann felt that it was present, like a protective goddess, a confidant of his love, who, so as to be able to come to him through the crowd, and to draw him aside to speak to him, had disguised herself in this sweeping cloak of sound. And as she passed him, light, soothing, as softly murmured as the perfume of a flower, telling him what she had to say, every word of which he closely scanned, sorry to see them fly away so fast, he made involuntarily with his lips the motion of kissing, as it went by him, the harmonious, fleeting form.

(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff ) 

Comme si les instrumentistes beaucoup moins jouaient la petite phrase qu’ils n’exécutaient les rites exigés d’elle pour qu’elle apparût, et procédaient aux incantations nécessaires pour obtenir et prolonger quelques instants le prodige de son évocation, Swann, qui ne pouvait pas plus la voir que si elle avait appartenu à un monde ultra-violet, et qui goûtait comme le rafraîchissement d’une métamorphose dans la cécité momentanée dont il était frappé en approchant d’elle, Swann la sentait présente, comme une déesse protectrice et confidente de son amour, et qui pour pouvoir arriver jusqu’à lui devant la foule et l’emmener à l’écart pour lui parler, avait revêtu le déguisement de cette apparence sonore. Et tandis qu’elle passait, légère, apaisante et murmurée comme un parfum, lui disant ce qu’elle avait à lui dire et dont il scrutait tous les mots, regrettant de les voir s’envoler si vite, il faisait involontairement avec ses lèvres le mouvement de baiser au passage le corps harmonieux et fuyant.

(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47 )

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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